When I try to edit the Xstore megamenu its showing error and Elementor does not work. It shows a loading page and doesn’t move forward.
This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago ago by Rose Tyler
When I try to edit the Xstore megamenu its showing error and Elementor does not work. It shows a loading page and doesn’t move forward.
Hello, jaswinders,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your concern.
Could you please provide temporary FTP access?
For FTP access, we require the following details: FTP host, FTP username, FTP password, FTP port, and FTP encryption type. If you need assistance in creating these credentials, please reach out to your hosting provider who will guide you through the process.
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team
I have added the FTP access details. There are 2 issues with the mega menu. 1)Delay in loading. It shows a blank white menu with a loader for a few seconds before loading the menu. This has to be fixed as speed is one of the reasons why we are rebuilding the site. 2) The icons are not working. There are arrow icons next to each item in the menu. This is not showing in the front end. Please refer the attached screenshots and check asap. Thanks.
Hello, jaswinders,
We can’t connect FTP:
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server
Please check it. Try to connect to FTP using FileZilla by yourself and provide us with the correct credentials.
Is there a restriction by IP or something else that doesn’t allow us to connect?
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team
Can you try the updated credentials shared in the private content.
Hello, jaswinders,
We appreciate your prompt response.
Is there a restriction by IP or something else that doesn’t allow us to connect? Contact your hosting provider to get the answer.
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team
We have tried from another IP and it works. Please use the site manager in FileZilla. Attached screenshot.
Hello, jaswinders,
We face the same error https://gyazo.com/0881b32f0b8e02bf5cb3ad257e28395f
What did your hosting provider answer?
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team
What’s the transfer mode?
Please set it to passive if it is default or active and try and let us know.
Hello @jaswinders,
1. The delay experienced in loading your mega menu was attributed to the active option labeled “Ajax Menu Dropdown” (as indicated here: [link to screenshot](https://prnt.sc/wINDIXBO4bgU)). Upon deactivating this option, your menu rendered promptly without any delays, as demonstrated here: [link to screenshot](https://prnt.sc/C_vF2YfRzjmd).
2. Furthermore, your inquiry regarding the incorrect visual representation of icons stemmed from the subsequent loading steps of the FontAwesome icons library. Elementor typically loads this library when FontAwesome icons are expected on the page. However, in the case of your mega menu, which was loaded via AJAX (triggered only upon user mouseover of the menu item), Elementor did not detect any FontAwesome icons present on the initial page load. This led to the library not being loaded. To circumvent such occurrences, we recommend utilizing our XStore Icons, which are consistently loaded and boast a lightweight library, ensuring optimal performance. You can find more information here: [link to screenshot](https://prnt.sc/KuqpERbIUA7w).
Waiting for your response !
Kind regards, Jack Richardson
Thanks for the swift response. Its working now.
Hello @jaswinders,
You’re welcome!
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team
The issue related to '‘Error on XStore Megamanu and Elementor Pro’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses