A few days ago I installed version 6.3.3 of woopress, it gives me an error with the translation, I use loco traslate I would like to be able to change cart for ¨ (carrito ¨)in Spanish)
This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
A few days ago I installed version 6.3.3 of woopress, it gives me an error with the translation, I use loco traslate I would like to be able to change cart for ¨ (carrito ¨)in Spanish)
Please provide us with temporary wp-admin access.
Have you tried to synchronize translation files? Button Sync (Loco Translate plugin http://prntscr.com/glemdq) allows you to synchronize your translation file with updated .pot file. Only after synchronization, you’ll be able to translate new strings or strings that were changed. Also, don’t forget to backup translation files before the synchronization.
hi i have tried syncing and it doesn’t work, can i change the name with css? how would it be ?.
Another thing, how can I put a cart icon instead of a bag? I attach a photo
Thank you
Provide us with WP Dashboard and FTP access to your site to check the issue with the translation in more detail.
Hello, they do not allow me to give access to wp dashborad and ftp, sorry, I can send you screenshots of what you need to see, to be able to manage it
I’m sorry but we can’t fix the issue by screenshot only. We need to check the site settings and your translation at least to find the reason of the issue. So, could you, please, provide us with WP Dashboard access to start? You can limit user permissions and allow us access to theme options, plugins and Loco translate settings.
Tagged: error, friendly, themes, translating, woocommerce, wordpress
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