Check Private Note
This topic has 39 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Check Private Note
1) Provide us with the error screenshot?
2) I don’t understand your question. Could you, please, explain in more detail?
3) I see that you use Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA plugin. Try to disable it and check.
4) Enable AMP plugin, clear the cache and visit your site using mobile device. If you did not clear the cache after plugin enabling probably you’ll get not AMP version.
5) Images on your home page have huge size
Optimize all the images that you use using or any other optimization tools.
Fast Reply
Reply 2
1/ I do not see any problem –
You can disable/enable this content via XStore > White Label Branding > Hide registration form option.
2/ Thanks for the screenshot. Provide URL of page where the problem persists.
3/ Go to Plugins > try to disable “Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA” plugin.
4/ Do you use server cache or CDN? Clear all cache.
5/ Every additional element on the page increases the dom structure. To reduce it remove the elements, there is no other way, unfortunately (for example limit the number of products in the slider, or remove some elements etc).
Question about CDN you need to pass to your hosting provider.
Please open up new topics for new questions, then you will get an answer faster.
AMP error
click this link see problem
You provided link to screenshot but we asked link to page where you have the mentioned issue. Please, provide us with link to page on your site where you have the mentioned issue.
Still same issue for cookies not show I remove all caches and disable plugin “Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA””but same issue
a) How did you detect that cookies are blocked? Explain in more detail, please. Because I’m able to see cookies
b) Go to Appearance > Themes > install and activate Storefront theme. Do you have the mentioned issue when the Storefront theme is enabled?
AMP plugin working on laptop screen I want only work on mobile not laptop
Provide us with FTP access to your site to check the mentioned issue in more detail.
Take my apologies for the delay in answering.
1) I checked the select options link and it’s ok What exactly do you want to change there? Explain in more detail, please.
2), 4) We need detailed information about this. What does that mean “cookies do not show properly”?
You need to test if you have issues with the cookies when the default WP WooCommerce theme (Storefront) is activated to find out if this is XStore theme issue or this is something other that does not work with the default theme.
3), 5) FTP directory is empty Provide us with access to your WP installation to proceed with the AMP plugin issue fix.
Send us your website highlighted screenshot and URL where you are facing the issue so that we will check your issue in more details.
John Holden
Check it
Fixed. Please clear cache and check now.
Same Issue
1/ It was fixed and work fine in different browsers – , and it is fine for new unlogged users (checked via incognito window). There is some kind of cache on your side.
2-4. Yes
You have js errors from 3d-party plugin so please, contact with plugin’s author , read – – these issues are related to server settings and to your content. Not to theme settings. So, contact your hosting provider to get help with this.
Responsive error
There is no error on a real device. If you re-size screen as on your screenshot – , you need to re-load page.
1/ Deactivate WooCommerce Infinite Scroll and Ajax Pagination plugin or set correct settings –
2/ General site speed depends on many factors. Below you’ll find the main of them:
– Plugins. When you have multiple plugins installed and activated on your site, it can slow it down. So, please, keep enabled only those plugins that you really need for the correct functioning of your site and disable all the plugins that you don’t use. The more plugins you use, the slower it will be.
– Caching. The most important part of optimizing your site is caching. Combine cached page with gzip compression to get better results. We recommend using W3 Total Cache. Read the beginners guide to setting up W3 Total Cache plugin Also, a very good plugin is WP Rocket, but it’s paid.
– Images. Use optimized images only otherwise you will have big images and slow loading time. Do not upload larger images than what is needed. When you use image editing tool like Photoshop don’t save images without using the option “Save For Web”.
There are different ways on how to compress images. Use special services or WordPress plugins to optimize your images for decreased loading times:,,, EWWW Image Optimizer, Smush Image Compression and Optimization plugin.
– Server/Hosting. Sometimes slow speed can be a result of your hosting service. If you have checked the above items and the site is still slow, the most likely it is a server/hosting issue. Contact your host and discuss it with them. Because even with the default WP theme site speed could be slow.
Also, you can find information about our Speed Optimization options here –
In case you need professional help with site optimization you may contact WPKraken team because unfortunately, that is outside the scope of our support.
As I can see the mentioned warning come from WC plugin – /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce , so contact the support of WooCommerce
Product shop
Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop > Products style > Products Bordered Layout > On, Product Content Effect > Default
Elementor error
Product style
Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop > Products style > play with settings. Also, you can use custom CSS code to achieve the desired result. CSS code can be added in Theme Options > Theme Custom CSS or in style.css of the child theme.
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