I corrected my previous question with the answer you gave. However, after the correction, the et-core-plugin gives an error and the page does not work. I reinstall the plugin and it gives the error again.
This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 months, 3 weeks ago ago by Rose Tyler
I corrected my previous question with the answer you gave. However, after the correction, the et-core-plugin gives an error and the page does not work. I reinstall the plugin and it gives the error again.
1/ Please downgrade the PHP version from 8.3.15 to 8.1 or 8.2 and let us know. Not all plugins are compatible with your current version. Your hosting provider can take this action at your request.
2/ After that enable debug mode in WordPress – https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/ to find out what error appears on your site, it will point you in the right direction and what needs to be fixed.
3/ Provide us with FTP access via the private content area.
For FTP access, we require the following details: FTP host, FTP username, FTP password, FTP port, and FTP encryption type. If you need assistance in creating these credentials, please reach out to your hosting provider who will guide you through the process.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
I did all the steps you suggested. When we installed and activated the et-core-plugin, the site crashed again. This problem occurred after updating the language.
Please provide us with FTP access via the private content area.
For FTP access, we require the following details: FTP host, FTP username, FTP password, FTP port, and FTP encryption type. If you need assistance in creating these credentials, please reach out to your hosting provider who will guide you through the process.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
ftp information
We have identified that an incorrect translation has caused the issues you are experiencing. For example:
– Current: https://prnt.sc/JBoaApcgCAim
– Correct: https://prnt.sc/nMaubekLD-mG
At this point, you need to review all translations using Loco Translate for both the XStore Core plugin and the XStore theme. Once you have reviewed and corrected all such issues, please update the theme and the core plugin (download XStore – Installable Archive and XStore CORE from – https://www.8theme.com/downloads/ and re-upload on your site). Currently, many files have been disabled to allow access to the admin panel.
It seems that an automated translation was performed, which ultimately disrupted the website.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
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