Hi team,
I have this odd thing happening with the [et_top_cart] shortcode.
When a page loads, for a very brief second, the cart contents (price, etc) show, then for some reason the whole contents of $output disappears not just from view but from the HTML as well.
This is what’s left
<div class="shopping-container shopping-container-695 style-dark "><div class="widget_shopping_cart_content"></div></div>
I’ve stripped all the plugins out so that only the following ones needed for the theme and Woocommerce plugin are on and the same thing occurs.
I’ve also switched the theme to a basic Royal Child theme and to the Royal main theme itself with the same outcome, it simply disappears.
I’ve also taken the contents of the [et_top_cart] shortcode and placed them into my own shortcode and when I use this one, it shows the cart. However when I then come to add a product to the cart, it doesn’t instantly reflect and update causing me to have to refresh the page to see the product in the cart, which isn’t ideal from a user perspective.
I’m not sure what’s going on, any advice would be appreciated.