– I’ve done everything I can and beyond to the best of my ability to speed it up, yet it feels worse than when the score was 29 on mobile and 50 on desktop…
Category product pages take forever to load my products – WHen you open a product category and click on the 2nd product page –>
– Here I click the 2nd, but doesn’t matter which you will click. and it loads like this for… Well forever, unless I refresh the page
– If I refresh it loads instantly.
I think it is stuck in some sort of repetitive forever loop. Idk
Pages are slow to load, everything takes forever to load, constant errors… I don’t know what to do anymore… I’m burning money in adspend and people are just flocking off due to slow site speeds… I’m missing customers because of this..
I get constnat critical errors on some php files.
It takes almost a minute to load the category page
I have to sit in the first page if I want the 2nd to load. I jsut don’t know what to do.
Some images load, some don’t
I have done absolutely nothing to cause this. All I do is check the orders for shipping details.. Absolutely no idea where any of these errors occur. A week or two ago it was working flawlessly. Everything just butterass smooth and perfect… And then I start updating… Shit went down the drain and I don’t know what the issues are, therefore I cannot even begin to fix them.
It’s just slow af and I bought wprocket to help with the speed…. I don’t know please.. Help me here.. Also please do not turn off the facebook api as that is my only source of income right now and it’ll fk everything i am still receiving orders from the store as slow as it has become..