is there a way to reset a page when you adapted it, just as in the beginning when you installed the theme?
i’ve done some adaptations but now i’m in trouble (see url)
many thanks
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 months ago ago by John Holden
is there a way to reset a page when you adapted it, just as in the beginning when you installed the theme?
i’ve done some adaptations but now i’m in trouble (see url)
many thanks
Thanks for writing in! Regretfully, at this time I am not entirely certain what it is you would like to accomplish based on the information given in your post.
Please send:
– Screenshots of issues
– Admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password)
I’ll be happy to provide you with a response once I have a better understanding of the situation.
Hung PD
1. Fixed
2. API
Go to Massive Addons settings and add the Google Map API key http://prntscr.com/os75ys
Hung PD
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