1. the speed of theme is very slow, have gone through image optimisation, cache tools, hosting and other possible issues but the fact is theme is heavy and even after enabling only minimum required plugins it takes time to load.
solution suggestion- introduce a xstore recommended plugin to fully optimise theme which won’t harm theme looks or fuctioning.
2. cart and account pages are least customisable and that’s a disappointment as these pages also determine the sales ratio.
solution suggestion – add coupon tab/options in cart page where customer can see and choose available option to apply directly from and add customisable cart options.
3. from last xcore update, it started from xcore crashing and now every plugin update can result in crashing.
please ensure bug free updates.
4. how can i get mrp/actual price of the product on the invoice?
i’m only getting sale price as actual price on the invoice and discount shown is only the cart discount not the pre-discount.