Again Thanks for this awesome theme, but i have some small problems i hope you can help me with.
1. Can you tell me have i can disable featured images in posts?
2. with the demo content and the contact page i have a problem with the security code. i will not show up, if i look in the content it try to look for a wrong security number, that does not exist in the folder.
here is the error: 1317109184.png /wp-content/themes/royal/framework/inc/really-simple-captcha/tmp
GET 404 Not Found
3. Problems with google font:
first google error:
css?family=http%3A%2F%2Ffonts.googleapis.com%2Fcss%3Ffamily%3DCabin+Sketch&ver=4.0 fonts.googleapis.com
GET 400 Bad Request text/html http://www.vislo.dk/:152 Parser
Second google error:
css?family=montserrat%3A400%2C700&ver=4.0 fonts.googleapis.com GET 400 Bad Request text/html http://www.vislo.dk/:154 Parser
url: http://www.vislo.dk
4 Posts grid with images with more pages like on the homepage here: http://www.vislo.dk , if i press on next in the post grid the whole page will load again, is it possible to only update the module og frame?
I hope you can hope me with some of the problem/questions i have.
Thanks i advance.
PS. I can provide pictures if needed, just contact me.