Dear all at 8theme!
Thank you for your nice website templates and your help few weeks ago. Now the final tweaks before the relase of my shop have arrived. Please kindly help me over these few questions.
1. I optically separated the side bar from the main area by a vertical thin line. I did this by adding a custom css class name to the row settings in the backend editor for all areas. Only for the Blog area, Shop and Single Product I can not find out, how to add. See screenshots in private content area. Where do I have to add the additional class name?
2. Also I do not see where to add the top title area I included on all pages. It is missing on Blog and Single Product.
3. The button typo on the single product page is not white on mouseover, tried with css in many variations, but did not get it the typo the become white.
4. Is there any possibility to rearrange the My Account section? It definitely needs some styling and better optics. Is there a plugin available (could not find one) or any other ideas?