This topic has 23 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Im now doing the final touches to my website, and i would like to improve a litle bit the menu, i wanted to have the underlining a little bit darker and also wen the submenu apears and they display the several product categories and i hoover the mouse over each one is it possible to change them from the grey to a darker color, because this way the user does not get any informations wen hovering…
Also is it possible to have some sort of underlining below all the menu, so it have s a litle bit more separation and looks better?
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Hello @filiphdan
Please test following lines in custom.css:
#menu-menuprincipal-1 li a:hover:after{background-color:red!important;}
#menu-menuprincipal-1 .item-design-dropdown .nav-sublist-dropdown ul > li > a:hover{background-color:#151212}
Max Mullins
the first line worked, i changed color to black, but if you can give me the yelow color reference you use in the kids store template i could also try it, one thing is that the responsiveness of the menu is not the best…
The second line dosnt seem to do anything…
thank you
Hello @filiphdan,
1.As is see you have found the way to change menu colors.
2.You may use any colorpicker tool online. The yellow color of the slider is:
rgb(243, 230, 22);
3. Please provide us with screnshot of clarify your request about responsivnes issue.
Max Mullins
The responsiveness is just sometimes wen you hover the menu the underline does not apear, you can test it just going to the website and hovering the menu.
Still this line:
#menu-menuprincipal-1 .item-design-dropdown .nav-sublist-dropdown ul > li > a:hover{background-color:#151212}
for the dropdown menu did not do anything…
Ho, ok i see there is already set up for the underline/selection in the dropdown menu 🙂
I think thats maybe to much, i just wanted the letters changing from grey to black if possible…
Edit – thats weird i dont seem to find the css code for the dropmenu underline/selection…i was going to try to costumize it..
If you want to change just the color of the text then use color:#000 instead of the background color.
From the code you gave me only this was working and its in the custom css:
#menu-menuprincipal-1 li a:hover:after{background-color:black!important;}
I just need the dropdown menu to change the product categories names only wen hovering to black.
At this moment it is creating a black box wen hovering, just check please.
Hello @filiphdan
You may add following code for dropdown menu links in the custom.css or style.css of the child theme:
#menu-menuprincipal-1 .item-design-dropdown .nav-sublist-dropdown ul > li > a:hover{
color: rgb(234, 10, 10);
Max Mullins
Again that code does not seem to be doing anything, i dont know if someone from you added the css code in other place, because it makes no sense, i cant understand why is the black box apearing in the dropdown menu…
I usualy go to apearence and customize css, i dont know were is the other place…
Hello @filiphdan
This is the part of code which contains black box hover efect for dropdown:
#menu-menuprincipal-1 .item-design-dropdown .nav-sublist-dropdown ul > li > a:hover{background-color:#151212}
This part contins code for hover effect of the dopdown links text color only you asked
#menu-menuprincipal-1 .item-design-dropdown .nav-sublist-dropdown ul > li > a:hover{
color: rgb(234, 10, 10);}
The reuslt screenshot of this code added in to the custom.css: Please provide us with wp-admin credentials check if any errors occurs during adding this line.
Here you may read the article about how to change hover color of any element to custom via CSS:
Max Mullins
Im sory but it is still not working…It still ads a black box to the dropdown menu selection instead of selecting only the product letters…could you check it pleas?
I have replaced code in custom.css. Please check.
Max Mullins
Thanks max that was exactly what i wanted, just one detail, wen you scroll down, the menu that comes down is not doing this, in there wen you hoover and it cames the dropdown menu the products are already black, i dont know if its possible to change it to do the same as the menu does.
Also one thing is that the yelow bar in the top of the page, wen i scroll down does not stays fit to the top, instead it leaves a small space, is it not possible to have it joined to the top of the page?that litle gap is just not necessary…
1)Check the fixed header drop-down now, please. Is it ok?
2) Bordered version is enabled in Theme Options, that’s why you have the border If you don’t like the border you can disable it in Theme Options > General > Layout > Site Layout > choose “Wide”.
I like the bordered version, but i dont like the border on the top…any way to remove that?
The dropdown is working now 🙂 but could you let me know were are you changing the css?
i was mayby thinking of puting the product letters to black and then use the box selecting has it was before in black but in a light gray, i dont know why but wen i tested it yestarday at nigth it was like that and i liked it even more.
It’s possible to remove the top border by additional customization only. The same for the menu items. If you want to get black color for the background then you should edit the CSS code that you have in your custom CSS and add the background. I’m sorry but I can give you the point to the right direction but we can’t do the individual customization if you are not sure what exactly you want more.
If you need help with individual customization WPKraken team will help you, just submit a request.
I understand that , thats why i asked were you were changing the css, because im using the personalize tool wen i visit my webpage, and in there i go to aditional css.
Sometimes it seems that what its there is not the same that is displaying in the website…maybe its just me that im new to css…
Ok. Code to change the hover bg for the link
.menu .item-design-dropdown .nav-sublist-dropdown ul > li > a:hover{background-color:#0e0e0e;}
code to change the hover link color
.menu .item-design-dropdown .nav-sublist-dropdown ul > li > a:hover{color:#0e0e0e;}
Perfect, thank you very much!
You’re welcome!
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