[1] I need your assistance on a matter regarding the Footer section.
Suddenly I realized it no longer exists, even though I checked the following options:
– Footer layout >> Column 1 and Demo blocks: OFF
– General layout >> Statick blocks: ON
– Xstore Static Blocks: 1 available “Footer kids-toys” and working in 2 languages
– Widgets area: Footer Column 1, where I included the above static block
and yet, the footer does not appear after all, as it did before.
The last thing I’ve been doing was checking the options in the Speed Optimization section of Xstore, but I can’t tell for sure if I turned on an option that messed up with the footer static block.
Please check for yourselves, because it makes no sense for the footer not to be working after I went through your video tutorial also to make sure everything is OK.
[2] In addition, after fine-tuning the speed optimization through XStore options, there is no significant difference in terms of better loading time for the webpage.
Is there something else to be done because it really takes a lot of seconds to load and I can’t figure out if the theme is “heavy” or another cache plugin would help.
Note please that I’m aware of other factors such as hosting environment etc. and I do not have this amount of loading delay with my other websites..
Thank you for your attention in advance!
Mihalis A.