i cant add a footer to all pages, it only adds to the page editing! Poor
This topic has 41 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
i cant add a footer to all pages, it only adds to the page editing! Poor
Theme options > Genelar > Enable Old Widgets Panel > On, then go to Appearance > Widgets > Footer area, set the desired content. If this footer content is not shown on a particular page, edit page > [8theme] Layout options > Use custom footer for this page/post > Inherit
How do i use a footer from the studio? where would i find it?
i also have shop area on my home page, can i take this off?
still not working! Poor
why is it that when i work on this, i get frustrated! crap
Hello @Clynt,
1/ XStore studio allows import sections from different demos, when you are using Elementor plugin. As I can see, you have WPBakery plugin activated on your site, so the Studio can’t be used. Do not enable Elementor, because using 2 page editors may cause a mess in pages content. Footer from what demo version do you want to get? Enable WPBakery for static blocks – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/plugins/wpbakery-page-builder/ , provide temporary wp-admin access and I will be able to add the Footer static block on your site.
2/ WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Shop page > select page
i tried this before and you couldnt log in, its too much stress, can i get a refund?
i dont think it will ever workout
You can submit refund request here https://themeforest.net/refund_requests/new
how do i add user please
also on the shop page the back ground is white, the text hover is white, can this be contrast so it changes auto please so it can be read easily?
Dashboard > Users > Add new > Add New User, here is an example – https://prnt.sc/1qy8l3b (you can use any email, even our – 8themes@gmail.com ). Then provide us with username (or email) and password via the Private Content area.
also on the shop page the back ground is white, the text hover is white, can this be contrast so it changes auto please so it can be read easily?
– provide a screenshot of the problem. Use Gayzo or Lightshot screenshot tools to make and share screenshots.
I’ve checked your Home/Shop page, and all tests are clearly visible on hover – https://gyazo.com/fbff0e753d72af1a74fb1002231e69a2
Here you go
here is more info
We can’t log in – https://prnt.sc/1qykyes (tried with username and email). Go to Users > edit user > check Username and Set New Password. Then open your site via an incognito window of the browser and try to log in using these credentials.
try this one
Great. It works.
Footer of which demo version do you want to get on your site?
how do i install a footer, when im looking on xstore, it is a demo,
I am not sure that fully understand your request. For example, I’ve added a static block into Footer area on your site – https://gyazo.com/b1b9cfb089225f4e6fec6c238a1eb622 > check the result https://gyazo.com/4aba806db9348a54b1428bfcbaccb3b1
Go to Dashboard > Static blocks > edit “Footer Landing-watch” depends on your needs.
For example, this footer looks great https://gyazo.com/5b18c4b55b9d82c82a0636a031013ed3 https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/niche-market/ , we can add static block of this footer to your site. Just provide URL of demo version which footer you prefer.
Hi i done the footer, I’m still having trouble with the header when in product, i cant see the header, but when I hover they are there, Can you help please?
i added two images where you can see, the log in is still active if its better log in and see?
Clear cache and check now.
I’ve set Shop page in WooCommerce >Settings > Products and changed settings of breadcrumbs in Theme Options > WooCommerce > Single product builder.
Hi, i cant update any images via WPbakery, when trying to update images on the single image it wont update, on any items? can you help please??
Could you record a video? Provide URL of page where you face the problem.
Make sure that you do not edit content of 1 page using WPBakery and Elementor together. it may cause a mess.
Hi its on every product i try edit, in wpbakery page builder, no products will update
Hi can you check please
One of the third-party plugins that you use causes js error on the single product https://prnt.sc/1skk0y0
Once I disabled all the third-party plugins I see that there is no error. So, disable third-party plugins one by one to find out which one causes the issue and then contact plugin author to fix the problem.
Also, why do you use 2-page builders on your site? It slows down the site a lot because page builder plugins are heavy. Why don’t you use Elementor for the product editing if you use it for the page building as I can see?
Hi, my site wont show updates on preview, i added 2 images, one is the editor view, where you can see the text and content is different to the preview. Can you help please?
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