Footer – how to change font color, footer height, remove credit card graphics

This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 11 months ago ago by Eva Kemp

  • Avatar: shivas-irons
    March 3, 2015 at 19:50

    I made a video showing my issue:

    I appreciate everyone’s help. This theme is beautiful and fun to use. Few tweaks here and here but that’s all part of it!

    5 Answers
    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    March 3, 2015 at 20:36


    To remove copyright text you need add empty Text widget into Footer Links and Footer Copyright areas in Appearance > Widgets or add your content there.
    To change widget title color in footer use this code in custom.css file:

    .main-footer .widget-title span {
        color: #1E73BE !important;

    For other text use this code:

    .main-footer .blog-post-list .media-heading a, .main-footer.text-color-light .blog-post-list .media-body, .main-footer.text-color-light a {
        color: black !important;

    The number “11” is added in your static block “Footer 1” in text block. You can remove it from there and height will be smaller.

    Thank you.
    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: shivas-irons
    March 4, 2015 at 04:01

    Thanks I was able to succeed in making the footer smaller as I saw my eror and did add the empty text widgets to remove copyright and credit card icons but could not change the text colors in the footer at all:

    I inserted the code you sent and used the color picker to grab the proper color code and used it in the custom.css file with no luck. I show the file in the above video exactly as it is and the changes don;’t appear. The same goes for the header.

    I just can’t make both the fixed and floating headers the same color. What am I missing?

    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    March 4, 2015 at 18:28


    I’ve edited the code in custom.css.
    Please check header and footer now and clear browser cache before.

    Thank you.
    Eva Kemp.

    Avatar: shivas-irons
    March 5, 2015 at 02:45

    It looks awesome, thank you! I noticed also you altered the link hover color on the header and that’s exactly what I wanted. I see the code yet not sure how to write it to have the same thing happen to the footer blog post links?

    Your help is great. If you can point me to info on how I link the social icons to my media accounts and how to change their color from grey to the blue I’m using on the site.

    I’ll be building another site so all this info is very helpful as I won’t have to bug you next time 🙂 Hopefully!

    Avatar: Eva
    Eva Kemp
    March 5, 2015 at 17:39


    Could you please clarify with more details what exactly you want to do with footer blog post links? Please show a screenshot.
    To change background color of social media icons use this code in custom.css file:

    .main-footer.text-color-light .menu-social-icons li a i {
        background-color: #1E73BE !important;

    To add your links you need edit the file wp-content/themes/royal/framework/shortcodes.php (from line 1727 to 1771).
    For example, you’ll see the code for Twitter icon:
    <a href="'.$permalink.'&text='.$post_title.'" class="'.$tooltip_class.'" title="'.__('Twitter', ETHEME_DOMAIN).'" target="_blank">, to add your Twitter link you need replace the code'.$permalink.'&text='.$post_title.'.

    Thank you.
    Eva Kemp.

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