I’m realising this page, duplicating the faq page model and I’m going to modify it.
I need to change the background image, from where can I link the new one?
And why breadcrumbs in this page doesn’t be displayed?
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago ago by Jack Richardson
I’m realising this page, duplicating the faq page model and I’m going to modify it.
I need to change the background image, from where can I link the new one?
And why breadcrumbs in this page doesn’t be displayed?
please select needed page, click on ‘Edit page’, after that click on ‘Gear’ icon and add following css code
.page-wrapper {
background-image: url("http://<strong>link to your image</strong>") !important;
Stan Russell.
I added this code in my css option of my about page:
.page-wrapper {
background-image: url(“http://http://www.lococostyle.com/wp-content/themes/royal/images/about1.png“) !important;
but background image doesn’t change.
How to solve it?
I mean, actually I have this About background image page:
and I want to change in in this new one:
(correctly charged in my server)
How it’s wrong?
You had this code written:
.page-wrapper {
background-image: url("http://<strong>www.lococostyle.com/wp-content/themes/royal/images/about1.png</strong>") !important;
I’ve edited it to this:
.page-wrapper {
background: url("http://www.lococostyle.com/wp-content/themes/royal/images/about1.png") no-repeat !important;
and enabled Page Heading in Page Layout box in the editor.
Please check the page now.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
thank you but I need something different: I mean, I need not a image background page heading but only to change the “black necklace and bracelet image” into the second one with two girls but I can’t simply overight the “black necklace and bracelet image” with the new one because it has been used in other pages where I want mantain it.
I need probably a new code that give me the options to customize my actual “black necklace and bracelet image”.
Is it clear?
At your disposicial for further explaination
I changed image in the row settings:
Please check the page now.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Tagged: background image, best selling, change, control, themes, woocommerce
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