I want footer’s columns code same like I got in demo of Marseille-2, or let me know how to edit the demo footer?
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 12 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I want footer’s columns code same like I got in demo of Marseille-2, or let me know how to edit the demo footer?
Enable Elementor for static blocks – http://prntscr.com/10hxur3 , then edit the Footer using Elementor.
I have enabled Elementor for static blocks but couldn’t get footer editing option.
Could you provide temporary wp-admin access?
Create an account via Dashboard (Users > Add new) with administrator role http://prntscr.com/s3rc9m > provide us with username and password via the Private Content area http://prntscr.com/s5mao7 You can use any email for it.
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