This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago ago by SBB
From this morning we have broken front layout and as well some other pages and can’t figure out. Could you please try have a look and help?
WPML String Translation plugin needs to be disabled as can’t access admin menu with it at all.
Seems this is after theme update. Tried disabled most of the plugins but could not get layout fixed. Seems shop itself work.
Details in private area.
Forgot to add WPML error which came to mail – attached in private content.
I can confirm that the WPML issue was separate – WPML 4.5.11 version has issues with WP 6.1, but now we have updated WPML to 4.5.12, confirmed to work with WP 6.1 and content still doesn’t show.
Even when we deactivate all WPML plugins, content doesn’t show.
At 1am CET on the 7th of November, we have updated these:
– WordPress to 6.1
– X Store theme + X core plugin to their latest versions
– plugins:
GDPR Cookie Compliance
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress
Really Simple SSL
W3 Total Cache
WP Maintenance Mode & Coming Soon
Neither of these plugins should interfere with WPBakery page builder displaying content, so it still seems like an X-Store issue.
Switching to the default Twenty Twenty Three theme helps – the content shows.
Switching to the parent X-Store theme also works, so investigating the X-Store Child theme and it’s customisations as that seems to be the issue here.
This is the error we see, does this mean anything to you?
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'currentTheme')
at window.vc_rowBehaviour.window.vc_rowBehaviour (js_composer_front.min.js:10:9014)
at window.vc_js.window.vc_js (js_composer_front.min.js:10:659)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (js_composer_front.min.js:10:20071)
at e (jquery.min.js:2:30038)
at t (jquery.min.js:2:30340)
Only happens when the XStore Child theme is activated (even a fresh new one I downloaded from your Downloads section, no modifications).
Seems that JsComposer (WPBakery builder) doesn’t know how to read your Child Theme?
I believe I found the culprit:
when I deactivate “Remove Query Strings From Theme Static Resources” in the Speed Optimisation section of the Customizer, everything works again.
One more thing I found out:
our original X-Store Child Theme had this function in functions.php:
//Remove Query Strings From Static Resources
function smartwp_remove_query_strings_from_static_resources( $src ) {
if( strpos( $src, '?v=' ) ){
$src = remove_query_arg( 'v', $src );
if( strpos( $src, '?ver=' ) ){
$src = remove_query_arg( 'ver', $src );
return $src;
add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'smartwp_remove_query_strings_from_static_resources', 999 );
add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'smartwp_remove_query_strings_from_static_resources', 999 );
// Add mailchimp integration
add_action('wp_head', function() {
<script id="mcjs">!function(c,h,i,m,p){m=c.createElement(h),p=c.getElementsByTagName(h)[0],m.async=1,m.src=i,p.parentNode.insertBefore(m,p)}(document,"script","");</script>
Which also causes the same issue.
When removed from functions.php, and your Remove Query Strings From Theme Static Resources is turned on, the same issue.
Basically, your theme or jscomposer doesn’t like query strings removed for some reason.
Our default child theme does not have the code you mentioned, only this is there –
We are not responsible for custom code in your child theme.
Our Remove Query Strings From Theme Static Resources option works fine. URL of video you can find in the Private Content area.
This error – is caused by code in your child theme (if it is commented, there will be no problem)
The disappearance of content is possible due to the cache plugin, namely due to the cache not being renewed, not all cache plugins do this automatically (mainly after switching themes) and it is advisable to clean it manually
Hello Rose,
Tomas here. Earlier message was written by developer who help us to maintain, keep page updated. He could not know that part of the code wasn’t originally part of the function.php i guess as he wasn’t working with us back then. 🙂
But I have also not explanation, how “//Remove Query Strings From Static Resources ” got there. We have contracted Kraken for speed automatization in the past, maybe was added then. Either way, I disabled Remove Query Strings From Static via menu, enabled Total cache and autoptimization and seems it works again. Code for cookie accept I will have to ask someone to check.
One things till not work – instagram slider at bottom of page. It gives error “Error: Undefined error”. Could you please advise?
Thank you,
Please try solution from this topic –
Hello Rose,
Apologize for late reply.
Yep that helped and works. However seems only pictures displayed are only where is one photo and seems if there is album it don’t show despite check box at option “Show everything except album and video posts” is not checked.
Any trick for that?
Thank you,
Thanks for the reply.
Album and video can’t be displayed correctly, unfortunately. Placeholders are used there.
ok thanks 🙂 then its clear. We can close this, thanks for your help!
Tagged: broken, front-page, layout, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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