Full Search Bar - by labargemedia - on WordPress WooCommerce support

This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago ago by Olga Barlow

  • Avatar: labargemedia
    February 27, 2017 at 16:32


    we just launched the new ecommerce site for our client and they’re extremely happy with it so far! The one request they’ve gotten from customers is that the search is hard to find. We’re using the first “Xstore variant” header right now which just shows the magnifying glass icon and then once you click it opens a full width search bar. They’re hoping they can just have the search bar already sitting there waiting to be typed in. I know other header variants have the search bar without any action needed from a visitor, but is there a way we can just keep this header and have the search bar already there? I’m able to simple coding and editing if need be…

    We love this header already and have styled the whole site accordingly so I’d hate to have to start from scratch with another header. Can you please instruct how we can get the same ajax search function from just a static search bar there?


    15 Answers
    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    March 2, 2017 at 19:12


    Sorry for the delay in answering.
    If you want to change the existing search form to default one you can copy xstore/headers/xstore.php file into child theme and replace the search form code <?php etheme_search_form(); ?> by the following

    <?php etheme_search_form( array(
                                'action' => 'default'
                            )); ?>



    Avatar: labargemedia
    March 3, 2017 at 15:27

    Awesome! Thank you for providing the solution.

    Also, I just noticed a new bug when visiting the site. For some reason, no matter what page is visited (including when sitting on the homepage), the first menu item (Wines & Spirits) is underlined (like it’s the current page). Obviously, it’s a different page from the homepage…and even when visiting another page like the Events page, the Wines & Spirits link stays highlighted. Do you know what’s going on? This is a relatively new issue (just noticed it today.

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    March 6, 2017 at 11:28


    Problem is caused by Redis Object Cache plugin. This plugin caches the menu.


    Avatar: labargemedia
    August 30, 2017 at 19:26

    Hi! With the update, I’m experiencing some issues here.

    1. The shopping cart isn’t displaying at all.
    2. The solution for showing the full search bar that you provided above is no longer working.
    3. The shortcode on the homepage to show a slider of different products is no longer working either. The first category shows just fine, but the others when clicked only show a space for a single bottle (nearly full screen) and don’t actually show any product details. You can see this by visiting the homepage and then scrolling down to Featured Products. Also, please note, this is not working in Chrome at all…in Firefox I see the first category (Staff Picks) okay, but the other two categories there don’t work at all.

    Can you please help with this?

    Avatar: laranz
    August 31, 2017 at 11:33


    1. Every header include cart, can you pass us the WP Login details in the Private Content, so that we can check?
    2. The search appears full-width to me. http://take.ms/NhgV2
    3. Which shortcode you’re using for that? can you pass us the WP Login details in the Private Content, so that we can check?

    Let us know,


    Avatar: labargemedia
    September 1, 2017 at 16:19

    Absolutely! Including the login details before.

    1. Yeah, I understand that it SHOULD show…but it’s not for some reason.
    2. No, when I say “full width” I actually just mean “full search” bar…like, it has the field to type in your search term right there. The answer above gave me a way of inserting this kind of search bar into the header. You can see the live example here: http://ryanswine.com in the header. But, on this development site, since I updated to the most recent version of the theme, it must have overwritten that code above and reverted back to the “hidden” search bar. However, the php files are no longer in the same places, so even if I go and change the xstore.php file in the headers folder, it has no effect.
    3. It’s the Tabs block, and then with the 8Theme Products shortcode in there. You can see it on the homepage on the backend.

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: laranz
    September 4, 2017 at 08:03


    1. Go to Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> Enable cart widget in -> Header, that way it will show in the header.
    2. I didn’t understand it, you mean you want a small text box near the search icon like your live site?
    3. It works fine without Tabs right? and it works in your previous version?

    Let us know,


    Avatar: labargemedia
    September 5, 2017 at 19:03

    1. That worked, thank you!
    2. Yes. The client wants a visitor to see a text field there, without having to click on the search icon to actually search the site. Just to have them be able to enter a search term right there.
    3. Yes. If I drag that products shortcode out of the Tabs Content area, they work fine. It did seem to be working almost completely fine in the previous version…but I actually have a ticket started in another thread about how in the previous version (which is being used for the client’s live site), there’s something going on where it’s not showing all of the products that it should. Meaning, in one of the Products shortcode, they have maybe 7-8 products selected…but only 3 show. And there’s no rhyme or reason to why.

    In the other thread, they recommend updating to the most recent version…but obviously, when I tried doing that with this Dev site, I ran into more issues with the Products shortcode….so….not sure what to do!

    Avatar: laranz
    September 6, 2017 at 05:02


    1. Great. 🙂
    2. Can you pass me the WP Login details of the dev site, so that I can check what I can do. You want search like this in the dev site right? http://take.ms/gsxRj
    3. Please create a separate thread for that issue, with all the details, steps to recreate the issue, screenshots, etc.,

    Let us know,


    Avatar: labargemedia
    September 8, 2017 at 14:43

    2. Yes! That’s exactly how we’d like it to look.
    3. I have started another thread for that issue…however, they’re just recommending we upgrade that version of the theme (on the live site) to the newest version…which is what we’ve done on the development site. But obviously we’re having issues on the development site so it’s hard to know which step to take next.


    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    September 11, 2017 at 09:45


    2) It requires additional customization. You may contact WP Kaken team to get help with additional customization.
    3) You need to update XStore core plugin to version 1.0.15 and also Visual Composer to 5.2.1 version. Then everything works fine. Check the dev site.


    Avatar: labargemedia
    September 11, 2017 at 16:02

    2. I understand this is a customization, but it’s something that your team helped me out with before, and I’m just hoping to carry it over to the new version of the theme for my client. It’s working currently, just not with the version of the theme they need to be on. If you could just tell me where to make that code replacement, that’d be sufficient! It seems like a relatively easy replacement.
    3. Wonderful! As soon as I get the search bar figured out I can update the live site for the client and see if the product shortcode will work now as well for those missing products.

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    September 14, 2017 at 15:12


    As I wrote before
    “If you want to change the existing search form to default one you can copy xstore/headers/xstore.php file into child theme and replace the search form code by the following

    )); ?>


    Avatar: labargemedia
    September 14, 2017 at 16:16

    Wonderful. I’ve implemented all the changes onto their live site. But now I’m experiencing that issue where the product slider shortcode is just displaying one massive image instead of 4 images side by side. I’ve updated the theme to the current version, as well as XStore core plugin and VC’s plugin. They’re all the most recent version. Can you please help? Not sure why this is happening. I’ve added credentials to the live site in the private content below.

    It also looks like the blog posts a couple blocks below has gone to one blog full width as well…instead of the 3 side by side like I had before. And hte slider function doesn’t seem to be working.


    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    September 15, 2017 at 09:31


    I don’t see the described problem http://prntscr.com/gleknk
    It could be related to old version of XStore core plugin or cache or CDN. When you update all these moments then the problem disappears.


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