Hi support
We have few questions about the theme and want to see if the following is achievable . thank you
1. How can we change our products to have Load More function ( so it automatically keeps displaying more products) when scrolling through the products, instead of 1,2,3,4…10 pages
2. There is a Quick View function for each product on desktop version of the site, is it possible to turn the same function on the mobile version.
3. On the mobile version of the site, we have menu (pleas see screenshot) is it possible to make the items larger, how can we do it? so its larger
4. Our shop for some reason has add to cart as a little basket, the demo site has a ADD TO CART button, how can we control that? we want to change to be ADD TO CART across the site. But we want to still have – 1 + counter on the products too.