Just wondering how we can import / get demo’s as per the elements page added to the site – as in, is there a way to import a wp bakery element page – specifically -> https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/minimal-fashion02/flipbox-element/
I am using WP Bakery but want to use a couple of the flip boxes, is it possible to copy them or import a WP Bakery version or must I switch to elementor to use these – I do notice there is an option for flip boxes in WP Bakery but there’s no way to import them…
It’s the 4 Flip Box Banners I am interested in – I appreciate this page shows them in Elementor, but how do we get the same in WP Bakery – are they used anywhere so I can import the page?
Also, is it possible to use flip boxes (which I want to use for the services blocks) in a carousel?