Dear 8theme team,
i’m facing multiple issues with google fonts which are slowing down my site based on GTmetrix performance reports:
1. I noticed that multiple instances of the same fonts are being requested when loading the home page. How can this be optimized in the theme files?
2. I have set the whole site to use font Raleway through the Theme Settings > typography page (body, headers, etc.). However i noticed that several other fonts are being loaded from googlefontapis as well (Open Sans, Roboto, Droid) while i’m not using them. Which elements of the theme are using those? How can i get rid of theme?
3. Google fonts seem to be the slowest elements to load on my site. would it store them on my server instead ? if so how to modify the theme in order to load the locally stored fonts instead of the ones at Google ? (i noticed a fonts subfolder in Royal, but i don’t know how to use it.
Thanks for your help.