Hi, i’ve been trying to change some colors on the shop page. unlike creating the single product page from scratch in elementor which has quite a bit flexibility with selectors and every other settings within each container, could not get it to work applying these colors and paddings into the global css settings of the theme.
below are the items i could not get it to work even with yellowpencil. something i’m doing is not working
it’s working when i did inspect page source and edited ( https://prnt.sc/Z8IrihEgPsdl ) but not when applied to the theme css
trying to:
1- widgets on the shop side bar and products on the loop with white background and 10px padding all the way around
2-products on the loop with 10px margins between each other
Also, what is the selector name for the product title, brand, categories, reg. and sale price on the product loop?