I am having several issues related to the product content shown on different pages.
1. I am using a default input quantity plugin. It works perfect on the shop page (https://prnt.sc/Qzz7SHXh7_9P) and the single product page (https://prnt.sc/scueOLdZjdol). However, the default quantity is 1 on any other pages (https://prnt.sc/7C_NIpDi6pFo). Is there a way to fix this?
2. Text of add to cart button in my account page (https://prnt.sc/bKMhqCGAuafS) looks different than the rest of the website. Can we make them look all the same like this one (https://prnt.sc/MKZj5zwvws2i) ?
3. In the single product page, plus and minus buttons of related products are not centered (https://prnt.sc/-hYiLiBXjS_M). I tried to fix it with theme custom css. But, when I align them to center, the icons of the single product shifts to left. Can we align them to center without causing any shifts on any part of the website?
Thanks in advance for your efforts! Have a great day!