I have 2 problems, I’ll take them one at a time.
1. First Problem
We deleted all product categories and sub-categories to add those to our store and noticed that when we try to build the main menu where each category has a Static Block associated, its menu is not displayed correctly. I leave some pictures attached to better understand.
In the editor of static blocks (Elementor), the menu is displayed correctly and I also noticed that in the initial categories that were set by the theme, the menu was displayed correctly, but it does not work for the categories created after importing the theme.
2. The second problem
I noticed that in the header next to the search bar, where all product categories and sub-categories are displayed, they are displayed in alphabetical order. I would like to know how I can put them in a custom order. I leave a picture attached to show you what menu I mean.
Thank you in advance!
Problem 1: https://www.fresciastore.ro/CategoriesMenuNotWorkingProperly.png
Problem 1: https://fresciastore.ro/MenuPageInElementor.png
Problem 2: https://fresciastore.ro/CustomOrderCategories-Sub-Categories.png