Hi Dear,
After you solved the issue with ticket #441883, I noticed appear another issue related to the main menu, with the home page or any other pages.
The main menu for mobile and laptop display the same. I can’t specific menu for mobile and others for laptop as before. (It was work fine before the last issue #441883 was solved).
My website hosting with Siteground and I have SG Optimizer plugin active. If I clear the cash and open the website on mobile, the main menu show in mobile format with all devices. As shown in the attached photo. https://prnt.sc/zs6k6CcloEt-
In the same way, If I open the website after clearing cash with a laptop the main menu showed in laptop format with all devices. As shown in the attached photo. https://ibb.co/XbbWgR8
You can find the issue when you are out of wp-admin.