Hello support Team,
While we place new order with user login. Once order successfully placed automatic user will logout so please help me to fix this issue.
Arity Infoway
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hello support Team,
While we place new order with user login. Once order successfully placed automatic user will logout so please help me to fix this issue.
Arity Infoway
Please check if you get the same problem with default WC theme – Storefront.
We are theme support and we can help you with issues related strictly to our theme.
If some default WC functions do not work correctly even with default theme you need to contact WC plugin support.
We have check with default WC and working fine.
Only issue with Classico WordPress theme.
Please help me.
I do not see the problem http://prntscr.com/krm0zw Please describe in details what should I do to recreate the problem on your site.
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