I just can’t edit the Best Offer element.
Somebody help me?
Tks a lot!
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Thank you for using XStore.
All available settings you can find here – http://prntscr.com/t375bm
Describe the desired result in more detail so we can assist you.
Unfortunately in the “best offer settings” settings there is no option to edit the fields: “Shop Now” button, values of quantity available and sold. https://prnt.sc/t3ie6q
I would like to know how to edit these fields.
What exactly do you want to change for the button? Styling can be changed using custom CSS code, describe the desired result and we will help you with the code, text via translation files of Core plugin. Loco translate > Plugins > XStore Core > New language > Choose a language + Choose a location – System > Start translating.
Quantity available comes from settings of product – http://prntscr.com/t3naxd , “sold” is generated automatically based on orders.
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