I would like to change my home’s look: http://www.pimientonegro.com
My idea is something similar to (private area)
Which is the shortest way?
Tks 😉
This topic has 23 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago ago by Rose Tyler
I would like to change my home’s look: http://www.pimientonegro.com
My idea is something similar to (private area)
Which is the shortest way?
Tks 😉
Are you asking if we have similar page template for the WooPress theme? All the available versions you can find here https://www.8theme.com/demo/woopress/ If any of these pages is suitable for you then you may import it using WooPress xml files. Let me know which one and I’ll provide you file.
If there is no suitable version then you can create it using WPBakery page builder row by row.
Hello again Olga…
I would like to try PARALLAX VARIANT. I hope you have set up instructions 😉
We have sent the necessary files and instructions to your registration email. Check, please.
many thanks again!!!!
You are welcome.
Sorry Olga, but I Can’t understand…I would like to put this parallax home…with the fast way…If I need buy a template I need to know which one..do you understand?
Sorry…sorry…I got It!!!!
I’m glad that you sorted out.
Hello again Olga… I have a problem with the link between the slider ant the parallax home. I’m trying to restart de process, but the import tool say me: “Page «Home parallax» already exists”
What Can I do? 🙁
Many thanks
Do you want to restore the original copy of the page? Did you rename page you customized to your own title or left the default one?
I kept the original. The problems begun with the rename of slider’s file. I Can’t find the link between slider and the page.
Just add the Revolution slider WPBakery element to the page content and move the row with Revolution slider to top of the page content http://prntscr.com/qque6p .
Oooo…is so easy 🙂
Many many thanks again Olga!!!
You’re welcome!
Hello Rose:
I have been a half an hour tryng to change this text…It’s impossibble 🙁
(private area)
How can I change spaced between lines?
I never seen an strange text editor like this 🙁
Sorry, seems that slider template is out of date. Edit this one http://prntscr.com/qu1qxr
Follow the Revolution slider documentation to edit layers https://www.themepunch.com/slider-revolution/layer-content/
I don’t understand. My slade is the other. I just want edit the text in the easy way
And the text editor have HTML format
I don’t understand
And the separation between layer text is not the same in desktop ant in mobil phone
Go to Edit slider > click on element > and change text – http://prntscr.com/queghj
Please read about Responsive settings – https://www.themepunch.com/slider-revolution/responsive-settings/
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