Ever since I updated my theme yesterday my site has crashed!!! I’ve spent 100 hours on my site and I’m very upset!!!
-Home page static slider with products is gone!
-My footer is showing where in place of my products in center of home page
-My css codes you provided me to remove hashtags from showing on blog page are still showing despite the fact that I have removed them 3 times manually and added the custom css code
-My blog page keeps going back to default and showing the content that was there when I purchased the theme. I’ve revised it 3 three times to display how I want it, but it’s gone back all times to default setting mode.
-My footer column 1 disappeared. It had my mailchimp subscribe button feature!!!
-my footer 4th column disappeared!!! (I just went and manually added back)
-My widget padding is back to how it was prior to me adjusting it (I don’t want much space between widgets)