When I open a product category/archive it all has the same page layout. https://prnt.sc/4ZuPo3xhMbOe
Is it possible to create custom archives for each category? If yes how can I go about achieving such results? Also how can I expand my shop to the full size? https://prnt.sc/0cwaGeGwmIxB right now its confined in the middle and I want it to look like this https://prnt.sc/7FQZ-eETDBDC
Do I create another product archive and set conditions to it ? https://prnt.sc/NCD5lEOT9O2L
Maybe that’s the way to do it. But I really cannot figure out how to make my store full size, I’d love some help with that and to also be told if that’s the correct way to make custom archives for different categories. Thanks in advance!!