I hosted the fonts I needed localy into Xstore. But it’s still loading the Xstore fonts [check image attached] even when I do not use them which slowing down the website a litle bit.
How can I disbale/or not load them anymore ?
This topic has 32 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago ago by Rose Tyler
I hosted the fonts I needed localy into Xstore. But it’s still loading the Xstore fonts [check image attached] even when I do not use them which slowing down the website a litle bit.
How can I disbale/or not load them anymore ?
Hello, Chilly,
Thank you for contacting us and for using XStore.
To assist you further, we kindly request that you provide us with temporary wp-admin and FTP access credentials. This will enable our technical team to thoroughly investigate and address your query.
To grant WP-Admin access, please proceed to create a new user account with an administrator role through your WordPress Dashboard. Once the account is established, you may securely transmit the username and password to us via the Private Content section designated for this purpose.
For FTP access, we require the following details: FTP host, FTP username, FTP password, FTP port, and FTP encryption type. If you need assistance in creating these credentials, please reach out to your hosting provider who will guide you through the process.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and assure you that your credentials will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and care.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
I will do that. but I wanna inform you that I already created a function to deactivate the fonts but it did not work. And I was thinking of deleting the fonts directly but I wanted to ask first if it will not create a problem.
Hope you fix the problem. thank you.
Dear @chilly,
We hope this message finds you well.
We would like to bring to your attention a modification that needs to be made within the functions.php file of your child theme.
Please locate the following code snippet:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles', 1001 );
function theme_enqueue_styles() {
Once found, kindly replace it with the updated code below:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles', 1001 );
function theme_enqueue_styles() {
We trust that this adjustment will be beneficial. Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
After adding wp_deregister_style(‘xstore-icons-font’); it removed the icons on the website [check the image attached]. I only want the fonts to be disabled and not load not the icons
My website deisgn is ruined right now. did you guys do anything rather than the things I asked for ? because no one of my team entred the website.
Dear @chilly,
We hope this message finds you well.
My website deisgn is ruined right now. did you guys do anything rather than the things I asked for ? because no one of my team entred the website.
Please be assured that our team has not implemented any custom code modifications at this time. I would recommend verifying the settings of your cache plugins, as they may be influencing the website’s appearance.
After adding wp_deregister_style(‘xstore-icons-font’); it removed the icons on the website [check the image attached]. I only want the fonts to be disabled and not load not the icons
Unfortunately, the method you have used is the only available option to prevent the font icons from loading. Currently, there are no alternative solutions to achieve the desired outcome without affecting the icons.
We understand the importance of these issues and are committed to providing you with the best possible support. If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
8Theme’s Team
Is there a way to replace the …fonts/xstore-icons-light.woff and fonts/xstore-icons-light.ttf with my custom fonts ! or any other solution so I can optimize the website loading speed. check image [fonts problems.png]
Hi @chilly,
Is there a way to replace the …fonts/xstore-icons-light.woff and fonts/xstore-icons-light.ttf with my custom fonts
Currently, it requires the custom development. If you wish a developers team can personally assist you via customization service.
To get started, please follow this link to send your request with requirements – https://prnt.sc/PZkD4AEf27qO https://www.8theme.com/account/#etheme_customization_panel , and a detailed estimate for the customization work will be prepeared. Our goal is to create a design that aligns with your vision and enhances your website’s appearance and functionality.
Customize your website to suit your needs and make it stand out with expert dev team.
any other solution so I can optimize the website loading speed. check image [fonts problems.png]
There are some cache plugins that supporting the Preload fonts:
– WP-Rocket: https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/1317-preload-fonts
Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
ok what about these fonts [check image attached] are been called by Xstore. is there a way to not call them anymore like a php function that I can add in my functions.php file or something ?
Hi @chilly,
Please navitate to:
– Elementor > Settings > Advanced > Google Fotns > Select Disabled: https://prnt.sc/-HMpLSaw6CO7
– XStore > Theme Options > Typography > Body Typeface > Font Family > select Initial: https://prnt.sc/nojmpQR8zj7D
– same as for XStore > Theme Options > Typography > Headings.
Hope it helps!
Thank you for your replay.
I did as instructed but as I run a test. its still requesting these fonts:
As I told you I already hosted the fonts localy and I’m using theme. And this fonts are blocking the render of the site.
Hi @chilly,
Please navigate to this file: /wp-content/uploads/xstore/kirki-styles.css
And delete the following CSS:
@font-face {
font-family: inter;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
font-display: swap;
src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/inter/v13/UcCO3FwrK3iLTeHuS_fvQtMwCp50KnMw2boKoduKmMEVuLyfAZJhjp-Ek-_0ewmM.woff)
unicode-range: U+0460-052F, U+1C80-1C88, U+20B4, U+2DE0-2DFF, U+A640-A69F,
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unicode-range: U+0301, U+0400-045F, U+0490-0491, U+04B0-04B1, U+2116;
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unicode-range: U+1F00-1FFF;
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Hope it helps!
Thank you for your replay. It fixed it. But I do not know why it’s still requesting and loading this fonts also:
As you can see in the image attached.
Is there a solution for this ? thank you
Hi @chilly,
We hope this message finds you well.
We are writing to inform you that the recent issue you have encountered is due to an external plugin, specifically the Header Footer Code Manager. The problem arises from a particular snippet, which can be viewed at the following link: https://prnt.sc/Vrx85yMYWmie.
This snippet is injecting code into the page, as shown here: https://prnt.sc/fCqDcm43Iwbj. It appears that this code is causing the validation process to fail.
We kindly request that you remove or disable the problematic snippet/plugin to resolve the issue.
We trust that the information provided will be of significant assistance to you.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Thanks for the replay,
I wanna inform you that I added the script hoping it will defer the loading of the fonts.
And Yes I did removed the plugin and the script. and it still shwoing the fonts for some reason[check image attached please], I do bealive its from Xstore.
Hope you could give me a final solution for this problem, thank you.
Hi @chilly,
1/ We have noticed an issue with accessing the wp-admin panel as our current credentials are no longer functioning. Could you kindly confirm if there have been any changes to the wp-admin access? If so, we would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with the updated credentials at your earliest convenience to ensure continued collaboration and support.
2/ Additionally, we would like to request that you share the tool you are currently using for testing purposes. This information will be instrumental for our team to align our processes and maintain the quality of our work.
3/ We also require functional FTP access to monitor the additions and changes being made.
Thank you for your attention to these matters. We look forward to your prompt response.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
we had some problems with the website latly and I added a topic for that [https://www.8theme.com/topic/something-really-strange-happening-with-my-website/#post-387339] and I noticed you guys added a plugin Filester – File Manager Pro. So I deleted the user.
We are currently experiencing difficulties connecting to the FTP, as indicated by the screenshot provided: https://prnt.sc/OcN1O8pse3Kj. We would greatly appreciate it if you could review the FTP settings to ensure they are correct. If the issue persists, we suggest reaching out to your hosting provider for further assistance. It is imperative for us to obtain accurate FTP access to proceed effectively.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Please check private area. if its not working you can go ahead and install the Filester – File Manager Pro. I just dont wanna see anything else changed
We regret to inform you that we were unable to locate the password in your most recent correspondence. Kindly provide the password, as the one previously used is no longer valid.
We would like to bring to your attention that utilizing the Appearance theme editor or a file manager plugin to implement fixes or code carries the risk of inducing fatal errors. Such errors could potentially result in you being locked out and the website becoming inaccessible. It is for this reason that we recommend editing files through FTP; the use of the File Manager or theme editor alone does not offer the level of security and control required for such operations.
Thank you for your understanding.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
Please check now. As for the plugin that gives you access to file manager someone on your team already installed it. then I deleted it.
Dear @chilly,
We are writing to inform you that we have installed the Filester – File Manager Pro plugin on your website for the purpose of file editing. Should you find it unnecessary, please do not hesitate to disable the plugin at your convenience.
Additionally, during our recent review of your website, we observed that the fonts do not appear to be loading from the Google CDN as expected. We kindly request that you investigate this matter and provide us with an update at your earliest convenience. For your reference, here is a screenshot illustrating the issue: https://prnt.sc/8H1C1Stnbv_9
Thank you for your attention to these matters. We look forward to your prompt response.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
yes you right its not showing anymore but the problem IM having right now is the other fonts that slowing the website please check this webpagetest.org test: https://www.webpagetest.org/video/compare.php?tests=240326_AiDcG4_AC5-r:3-c:0
some xstore fonts are taking more than 300ms loading time which is a lot. how can improve their loading time ? or if you have any other solution to improve this ?
Note: I already tried compression the fonts but its created another problem. [it shows me an error request in the console regarding the fonts that optimized or changed their extension]
Hello Again. As I checked again one of my products I can still see the fonts are still loading and blocking the loading time of the product page as you can see in here:
and here “check image attached”
Dear @chilly,
Upon thorough analysis of your website’s performance, we conducted tests using one of the most popular web testing tools, GTmetrix. The examination revealed that only four fonts are loaded on your website, which include XStore icons, Poppins Bold, Poppins SemiBold, and Poppins Regular. Notably, all Poppins fonts are sourced directly from your website, as evidenced by the screenshot provided (https://prnt.sc/krcfTI6XYKMs). Furthermore, an inspection of your XStore Control Panel under Custom Fonts confirms that these fonts are indeed loaded on your frontend, as illustrated (https://prnt.sc/pbr_c0lkY_KO). This indicates the absence of any directly loaded Google fonts on your website.
Moreover, we extended our assessment using the website testing platform [WebPageTest.org](https://www.webpagetest.org), which yielded similar results. Our findings indicate that no third-party fonts are loaded on your website, as depicted in the screenshot (https://prnt.sc/OiM97OYlqNF8) and supported by the test results available (https://www.webpagetest.org/result/240327_AiDcDB_281/2/experiments/). It appears that your website’s performance has been optimized through cached results, ensuring satisfactory outcomes in font loading tests.
Our thorough testing across various platforms, including the one you referenced, confirms that your website is correctly loading fonts without reliance on third-party sources.
In summary, everything on your website is functioning correctly with respect to font loading, as the test results were simply cached.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
yeh but when I run the test from my side as you can see in here https://www.webpagetest.org/result/240327_AiDcVH_5N1/2/experiments/#Quick this is a fresh test it shows me that the website is requesting these files.
Now please is there a way to block these files ? I tried php function and js function and lot other methods nothing sames to be working.
Dear @chilly,
We hope this message finds you well.
It appears that the discrepancy in test results may be attributed to the difference in the testing locations. My test was conducted from Virginia, USA, and can be viewed here: https://prnt.sc/CYGTQS4Lb6NG. Conversely, the test on the other end was carried out from London, UK, as indicated by this link: https://prnt.sc/6wXbBpaLsJxQ.
Additionally, GTmetrix conducted testing from Vancouver, Canada, with the results accessible via this link: https://prnt.sc/ndXGwBFpoWs9 (https://gtmetrix.com/reports/candyhype.com/Rsh2lvr3/).
We suspect that the test result from the other location may be cached, reflecting previous testing from that particular region. It is important to note that the fonts in question are not present on the actual site. This raises the question of how one might conceal elements that are not visually detectable.
We would recommend conducting tests from various locations to assess the true performance and obtain an accurate representation of the site’s speed and functionality.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
I found what is the problem. its this file kirki-styles.css it’s what loading these fonts.
The problem is I delete the styles where its loading these fonts. but after that for 1-3 days it come back to apear in the file.
Dear @chilly,
We have successfully accessed your stylesheet file at the following URL: /wp-content/uploads/xstore/kirki-styles.css. Upon review, we have determined that there are no fonts present within this file, as evidenced by the screenshot provided here: https://prnt.sc/KY-845kJvwKY.
Should any fonts appear in the future, we will certainly take a closer look. It was already clear from the onset of this discussion which file contained the item you discovered.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
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