How to bring back the price wise sorting, rating wise sorting and brand wise sorting in the shop

This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 months, 3 weeks ago ago by Tony Rodriguez

  • Avatar: Aishik
    July 29, 2024 at 07:50

    I have deleted every demo products and categories from the products page. Now the price wise sorting, rating wise sorting and the brand wise sorting is not showing in the sidebar of the product archive page. now what’s the procedure to reenable them? And also let me know how to set custom rating on each products so that the ratings shows in there places.

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    3 Answers
    Avatar: Aishik
    July 29, 2024 at 08:20

    One thing I got just now. The products price wise sorting is working now. But the first currency symbol is still now in USD while others are in INR. that USD sign should also be in INR.

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    Avatar: Aishik
    July 29, 2024 at 08:31

    Inspite of being two items in the wall hanging category the category product counter is only showing one product indication.

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    Avatar: Tony Rodriguez
    Tony Rodriguez
    Support staff
    July 29, 2024 at 11:27

    Hello, @Aishik,

    Thank you for contacting us and for using XStore.

    1/ If you wish to reenable the archive page filters, kindly proceed by adding products and categories via the WordPress dashboard. You can do this by navigating to Products > Categories. Once added, please verify the changes.

    We trust this guidance will be helpful to you.

    2/ If you are looking to add and set custom ratings for each product, please follow the steps outlined below:

    1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
    2. Navigate to ‘Products’.
    3. Select ‘Edit Product’.
    4. Go to the ‘Reviews’ section.
    5. Add a comment and publish it to set the custom rating.

    For your reference, please see the image provided here: (

    We kindly request that you initiate a new topic for each distinct issue you encounter on our support forum. This practice helps us maintain organized and efficient support, ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly and accurately.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Best Regards,
    The 8Theme Team

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