Hello, good morning, how are you?
I have a question regarding the social networks that appear at the top in one of the selected headers, I would like instead to serve to share was only to display the icons with the page link for example in the case of Facebook or LinkedIn. How do I do this?
I found the following code in the file “framework / shortcodes.php”
Add_shortcode ( ‘follow’, ‘etheme_follow_shortcode’);
I removed the comment line from him, went on the panel and changed where it was written [share] to [follow] and the social networks are gone ..
I also wanted to know how I can change their order? Instead of starting with Twitter, put Facebook first, for example?
Another thing, I wanted to know how I can apply these changes in the child theme so I do not have to modify the parent theme so that when I update, I do not have to make the change again.
I’m waiting