Do you have a guide anywhere to allow me to use a button on a product that when clicked will open a custom modal – specifically, I want to open a custom contact form but do not want to use the built in option as it is specific to 3 products and need a modal so I can capture the product name as it must load on the actual product page and I do not want it to be visible until clicked.
I can add the modal, but it’s not a button clickable one – it just appears on the page when I add the static block.
Second query – is it possible to add icons before the output of variable options; example on product when you click into additional information where it displays the variable options – we have one for wash care and created a custom product attribute and added code for icon to render before each option; but it doesn’t render – see image -> https://i.imgur.com/qBHskZb.png
It’s as if html is being stripped from the additional information variable table…
Any help please?