I need to create the portfolio according to the model EVEN GRID JACKSON between FULL-WIDTH GRIDS.
How to activate?
I need to activate the plugin paid ESSENTIAL GRIDS or is there another way?
This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
I need to create the portfolio according to the model EVEN GRID JACKSON between FULL-WIDTH GRIDS.
How to activate?
I need to activate the plugin paid ESSENTIAL GRIDS or is there another way?
please show us on screenshot what results you want to achieve.
As for Essential Grid plugin – is included in our theme package so it is not paid and can be installed/activated for free in Dashboard > Plugins > Install/Activate recommended plugins.
Stan Russell.
Thank you. I’ve just activate the ESSENTIAL GRID plugins.
How to reach this kind of Portfolio Gallery and Portfolio Posts?
Thank you
Please refer to the documentation how to create a grid:
To show projects you need select “Project” in “Post Types” field in “Source” section when creating a grid. Then select your porfolio categories in “Post Categories” fields.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Thanks, I’ve just create my even grid jackson gallery with essential grids post.
Here you are the link:
Gallery run correcty, but when I can’t see/open my post page (I’ve created it, but it doesn’t run), seem that the links doesn’t work. I’ve received 404 page error.
How to solve it?
Really thanks
I’ve successfully opened the project page http://www.laminotech.webacto.es/essential_grid/vias/
Please specify what page you can’t access and provide us with wp-admin panel credentials in Private Content.
Thank you.
Eva Kemp.
Awesome , now it works!
That’s great.
If there are any questions feel free to contact us.
Eva Kemp.
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