I have problem with disabling wish list from header section. What im doing wrong? Title: disabled. I have no problem with disabling cart..
This topic has 17 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I have problem with disabling wish list from header section. What im doing wrong? Title: disabled. I have no problem with disabling cart..
You can disable Wishlist plugin
Hung PD
I don’t have the plugin installed.
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Go to Theme Options > Header builder > edit the Connection block and remove the Wishlist element from that block https://gyazo.com/4b63a3ac145dd5be25387638a16ab069
May i ask something else? How to enable mega menu like your default demo page? I have main categories (woocommerce) named Kolesa and i want mega menu for dropdown (i have 3 levels of categories.
You are welcome.
Watch the video tutorial on how to create the mega menu https://youtu.be/f07MBdnFPfk
Thanks. Im using elemntor, so i found mega menu option in Menus section (8theme elementor options).
-One more.. there is any way to show only active category (and sub categories) in SHOP side bar? Now it shows everything. I apologize but can’t find the setting.
– It’s possible to set the width of the side bar in settings?
-Also i don’t know where to translate string CATEGORIES in side bar. :/
– There is any option to put main menu always on top when scrolling down? It’s shows only when scrolling up.
You can use Static Blocks for the mega menu even if you use the Elementor. Just go to Elementor settings and enable it for the static blocks, not just for pages.
1) Choose “Only show children of the current category” in the Product category widget settings http://prntscr.com/ulrhv4 ?
2) Only in the page settings http://prntscr.com/ulrjjp we don’t have the global option for all the pages.
3) Go to Appearance > Widgets > add the Product categories widget to the shop sidebar and change the widget title.
4) Go to Theme options > Header builder > Sticky header > choose the fixed instead of the Smart type.
1. Thanks.. i have no widget appended in widget sections. now i append Product Categories. Thanks.
2. i don’t understand where i can find this option. I’m afraid 1/6 will be too wide also. Do we have any css code maybe only for desktop?
3. Same as 1. 🙂
4. Thanks
1), 3) Go to Appearance > Widgets > drag & drop the Product categories widget to Shop widget area. Choose the mentioned options.
2) Go to Pages > edit page > scroll down to 8theme page options. It would not recommend to edit columns width using CSS because we use the global bootstarp classes and it amy cause the future issues with the other elements. You can edit columns width either using the mentioned option or by additional PHP customization if you have PHP skills but use Bootstarp classes for your sidebar and content.
4) You are welcome.
Thanks. sorry for non responding i was sick.
I have few more questions..
1. How to disable more information tab on single product page?
2. Can you recommend any plugin for extra tabs on single product page? I need custom tab for each product for bike specification.. i see custom tab on product but i think i can write only html code in editor?
3. How to drop title little lower? https://ibb.co/TLsy0gt
3. Now i drop it with custom css for 10%. Is there option in builder for margin?
1) Use the WooCommerce guide to disable the default WooCommerce tab https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/editing-product-data-tabs/
2) You can write either HTML code or use the Static Block shortcode to show the content of the Static Block where you can use WPBakery page builder to create content. Check this post about plugins https://hoicker.com/woocommerce-custom-product-tabs/ Test if anyone suits your needs.
3) If you use the Single product builder there is option to add margin for the columns. If you use a built-in layout you can use custom CSS only.
thanks for all your help 🙂 i have (i hope) last question.. how to set white background on lightbox?
Add the next custom CSS code in Theme Options > Theme Custom CSS:
.dialog-type-lightbox {
background-color: #ffffff21;
dont work :/ (I cleared the cache). link in pvt.
Please add
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