I hope you can help me with showing a simpel language dropdown menu in the top header (on top of the slider) See https://www.dropbox.com/s/0swt3tivew60bor/003—hojre—v%C3%A6lg-sprog.jpg?dl=0
and with mouseover
And again inside the footer we really would like to show the language menu – see https://www.dropbox.com/s/h8prgwjtkge1oy7/005—footer—v%C3%A6lg-sprog.jpg?dl=0 without a new gray border…
We are using WPML. And we are working on our test server: http://dev-smooff.serv10.powerhosting.dk but the site is live here http://www.smooff.net
I hope you can help me 🙂
Best regards