Hello 8theme,
Is there any thing similar on the x-store studio which matches with the elements on the PCA?
This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 years, 3 months ago ago by Tony Rodriguez
Hello 8theme,
Is there any thing similar on the x-store studio which matches with the elements on the PCA?
Hello, @GTP,
1/ &2/ We invite you to utilize the Xstore banner element and icon box element to create content that meets your specific needs. https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/minimal-fashion02/design-elements/
Alternatively, you may explore other elements that are available to achieve your desired outcome.
Should you find these options insufficient, we encourage you to submit your request on our Taskboard, which can be found at https://www.8theme.com/taskboard/. Requests that garner significant support from our customer community will be taken into consideration by our development team for potential inclusion in future updates.
Furthermore, Instead of copying sections from another theme, I recommend utilizing the powerful features of Elementor and WP Bakery, which are fully integrated into the XStore theme.
Both Elementor and WP Bakery offer a user-friendly interface that allows you to edit any page seamlessly. This approach not only ensures compatibility with the XStore theme but also provides a more streamlined and sustainable customization process.
We hope this information is helpful.
Yours Sincerely,
8Themes Team.
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your reply!
1) Thank you for these links, we will use these as we were looking for something similar and were about to ask a question on how to get icon boxes.
– Was just wondering that if we can change the shape of the “box” from a perfect rectangle to something else like a circle/rectangle with soft curved corners? (in terms of the banner elements)
– How can we get the moving icons which are appearing on the link you provided; https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/minimal-fashion02/icon-box-element/
* Is there anyway to copy sections from a competitor theme without buying the actual theme? We noticed some sections which are nice and made on Elementor and are trying to replicate some ideas etc.
Thanks for your help!
Hello, @GTP,
Thank you for your response.
1/ – Was just wondering that if we can change the shape of the “box” from a perfect rectangle to something else like a circle/rectangle with soft curved corners? (in terms of the banner elements)
Kindly refer to the attached images for your reference. https://ibb.co/C08Sg55 and https://ibb.co/8YWrftH
2/ How can we get the moving icons which are appearing on the link you provided; https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/minimal-fashion02/icon-box-element/
If you want to use XStore icons, please check this page – https://xstore.8theme.com/xstore-icons/
Please read our theme documentation about Elementor Live Copy option: https://www.8theme.com/documentation/docs/elementor-live-copy-option/
3/ * Is there anyway to copy sections from a competitor theme without buying the actual theme? We noticed some sections which are nice and made on Elementor and are trying to replicate some ideas etc.
You can Import the template into your website using the Elementor page builder. For detailed instructions on this process, please refer to the Elementor Template Library guide available at: https://elementor.com/help/template-library/
We hope this information is helpful.
Best regards,
The 8Theme Team
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your reply!
1) Can you point out if the soft corners were achieved by a section/button? Cannot seem to locate it via the screenshots. Or is it an image?
2) Thank you, we believe the moving icons have a different name? Do you know what they are called if we want to search for some online which are animated (move) such as in the demo example; https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/minimal-fashion02/icon-box-element/
3) Thank you, just to confirm – we would have to be “inside” the actual demo and have access to the elementor options and this cannot be done without actually being inside the website/having access to the elementor buttons etc.?
For example, if we see a demo with a block we like, we would have to purchase that demo, and copy it via elementor etc.
Hello, @GTP,
Thank you for using our theme and for contacting us.
1/ Can you point out if the soft corners were achieved by a section/button? Cannot seem to locate it via the screenshots. Or is it an image?
We have set the soft corners that were achieved by editing container > Border > Border radius. See image for reference: https://ibb.co/kKnKwqd
2/Please read this topic: https://www.8theme.com/topic/how-to-get-moving-icons/
3/ For example, if we see a demo with a block we like, we would have to purchase that demo, and copy it via elementor etc.
Yes, you are right. Once you have the specific demo with a block you like, then you can export the template using elementor plugin.
We hope this information is helpful.
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team.
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