Hello there:
Two days ago, someone deleted the side module of the products, and now all the products only remain the images and the title. And I want to know how to get that recovered.
And I even do not know how he gets that part deleted, and the product page should have looked like this https://gyazo.com/44a23c5f283311e3d527c23eb7143d98, however, now it turned like this: https://gyazo.com/a41f77956660028fd5d81f715b0f5c74, description, additional information, and some other important information all disappeared. How to get that recovered? Cause I have finished all the products’ information. And I do not want to do that once again.
Another question is, about this demo’s review part, I want to remove this module down to the products images, like this https://gyazo.com/b46c07a72b329d1f3e69d51f40a48446 above the “YOU MAY ALSO LIKE…” module, how should I do that? Would you please kindly tell me? Thank you in advance.