This is a general question, we are just trying to get some design functions on the website which we like on other demos on theme forest.
We are guessing that most websites these days are used with Elementor/wp-bakery.
So we can design basically anything from scratch to our liking.
We have added a domain on the PCA
Are the sections on the websites basically blocks (such as on the x-store studio) using Elementor?
So overall we can design something similar and add it to our website as well? So in x-studio, if we like a block we can just insert it and other demos would have something similar.
If you can look over the website and look at the sections such as;
1) Get More Power With Our Web Hosting Products
2) Get Started Fast & Easily with Best Hosting
3) Get Faster & Secure Websites at no Additional Cost.
Are these basically just blocks on Elementor and we can look over them and design something similar?
Thanks for your expertise & advice!