Hi there, I have a easy question. How to revise the content in this area?
Which php file shall I need to looking for?
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago ago by Andrew Mitchell
Hi there, I have a easy question. How to revise the content in this area?
Which php file shall I need to looking for?
You can change this in the following file: xstore\woocommerce\myaccount\dashboard.php.
However, we do not recommend changing files in the parent theme, it is better to copy it and make the changes in the child theme.
Best Regards, 8Theme’s Team
How to do i order for make that in child theme?
Sorry I am not that experienced for this area.
Any advise would be appreciated!
Below is an algorithm of steps to follow:
If you have installed the demo version, then most likely the child theme is already installed and configured (this happens automatically when the demo content is installed), and you can proceed to step 4.
If not, then start with step 1:
1) Download the child theme from the page https://www.8theme.com/downloads/ with the file name XStore Child;
2) Download the archive to the folder wp-content\themes;
3) Activate the child theme in the WordPress admin;
4) Create the following directory structure in the child theme:
5) Copy the file dashboard.php from parent theme to the directory xstore-child\woocommerce\myaccount\;
6) Edit it.
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team
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