Is there a method where ii can show custom taxonomies like brands on shop & other pages. I want to show custom taxonomies called quantity or unit on home & shop pages just like I can show brands.
This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Is there a method where ii can show custom taxonomies like brands on shop & other pages. I want to show custom taxonomies called quantity or unit on home & shop pages just like I can show brands.
We don’t have such custom taxonomies (called quantity or unit ) in our theme. Did you implement them using a third-party plugin? Could you explain in more detail and provide screenshots of these taxonomies?
I haven;t made any custom taxonomies. My question is how can i make custom taxonomies just like brand. The brand taxonomy is included by default in your theme. Is there any way i can make a brand like taxonomy from my end. You take it this way that i want one more brand taxonomy i.e. how to duplicate brand taxonomy and show that taxonomy on home page too just like brand
It requests additional customization in files which is not included in our basic support.
et-core-plugin/config/post-type – to register taxonomies
xstore/framework/woo – etheme_single_product_brands(),
add_action(‘woocommerce_single_product_summary’, ‘etheme_single_product_brands’, 11); // to show on single product but use your custom function in child-theme
xstore/framework/woo – etheme_product_brands()
xstore/woocommerce/content-product – there is a call for etheme_product_brands() to show brands in loop
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