This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 1 months ago ago by Jack Richardson
Hello good day,
I bought this theme, but I would like a little help to turn the Full Screen slider to Full Width where I can adjust the height of it.
Is there a way to make this easy? The page I’m trying to change is: home-services.html or index-classic.html
Best regards
Rodrigo Macedo
Hello good afternoon,
Can anyone help me with this please?
Best regards,
Rodrigo Macedo
Sorry for a delay.
You need add this code in style.css file:
height: 300px!important;
Eva Kemp.
Hello good afternoon,
It was great, I had done it differently but I had to make other changes, that way it was much more practical.
Now with another question, how do I leave this automatic slide? Well, it stands still, and I would also like to know if there is a “random” effect on changing the slide images.
Best regards
Rodrigo Macedo
Sorry for a delay.
You can make slider autoplay this way:
For example for home classic you need edit the file index-classic.html and set data-autoplay value , like data-autoplay=”300″
Eva Kemp.
Hello good day,
It worked perfectly, just to stay inside, I’m modifying the home-services.html page.
Just the other question I left above, can you change the transitions between the slides?
The first is, how do I display slide paging and second, how do I enable that slide loader? (Example: Type a bar that fills as the slide time passes).
Best regards,
Rodrigo Macedo
Hello good afternoon,
I would like to leave below the link of the page so you can see better too:
Best regards,
Rodrigo Macedo
Please read slider documentation , there you’ll find
You should add it to file js/global.js .
Eva Kemp.
Hello good day,
Please help me, I’m lost with this slide, I managed to sort out the navigation part, the slide was with the class="no-pagination"
I removed and the slide navigation appeared, so I made some CSS changes to agree.
Now I’m missing the part of displaying the slide count bar, and in the transitions I added the codes in the file “global.js” as you said however nothing has changed on the slide. And in the transitions part, I added as follows:
swipers['swiper-'+index] = new Swiper('.swiper-'+index,{
effect: 'fade',
speed: speedVar,
pagination: '.pagination-'+index,
loop: loopVar,
paginationClickable: ($t.closest('.scrolling-popup').length)?false:true,
autoplay: autoPlayVar,
slidesPerView: slidesPerViewVar,
keyboardControl: true,
calculateHeight: true,
simulateTouch: simVar,
centeredSlides: centerVar,
roundLengths: true,
watchSlidesProgress: true,
watchSlidesVisibility: true,
onSlideChangeStart: function(swiper){
var activeIndex = (loopVar===true)?swiper.activeIndex:swiper.activeLoopIndex;
But the animation continued in the same way, what did I do wrong?
You could give me that light because I’m in the dark. rsrs
Best regards,
Rodrigo M.
Sorry for a delay.
Unfortunately this can’t be achieved as slider code is rewritten by our developers and some options may not work.
In this case feature you want, can’t be done.
Please take our apologies.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Hello good afternoon,
I downloaded the plugin without modifications and I tried to make the changes as I had informed them the most I found a bit complicated, so I’ll leave as is.
Still thank you for the answers to the previous questions.
Consider Slide problem solved.
Best regards,
Rodrigo Macedo
You’re welcome.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Tagged: full screen, full width, slider, themes, transform, woocommerce, wordpress
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