I have a question about the ticket linked in the subject line.
I wanted to add another rule to your code:
.single-product ul.st-swatch-preview-single-product[data-attribute="pa_professional-ultra-deal"] li.type-label {
background-color: #EE1250;
color: #FFFFFF;
.single-product ul.st-swatch-preview-single-product[data-attribute="pa_professional-ultra-deal"] li.type-label span {
New Rule
change Background color for the li element with the specific data-value and data-name attributes.....
data-name="1 PAAR NUR 59,41 € - 15% RABATT"
I tried this one..but it does not work :
`/* new */
.single-product ul.st-swatch-preview-single-product[data-attribute=”pa_professional-ultra-deal”] li.type-label[data-value=”1-paar-nur-5941-e-15-rabatt”][data-name=”1 PAAR NUR 59,41 € – 15% RABATT”] {
background-color: #00FF00; /* Hintergrundfarbe auf Grün ändern */
what is my mistake?
Its on this page
i have two values in the variant and both should have a different background color… so they should not have the same color atode
LG Oliver