Hello, I can not translate the template, I modified the .po and .mo files, translates me a part of the theme. especially the woocommerce pages. What can I do?
I await response and thank you
This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 6 months ago ago by Jack Richardson
Hello, I can not translate the template, I modified the .po and .mo files, translates me a part of the theme. especially the woocommerce pages. What can I do?
I await response and thank you
Provide, please, link to your side, admin panel and FTP access. We’ll check what could be the reason of your problem.
where I can send the data privately?
You can provide it in Private Content http://prntscr.com/c1k220 (visible only for our technical support).
Rose Tyler.
thank you
You gave us FTP access, but we also need wp-admin credentials.
Please provide us with it.
Rose Tyler.
here it is! sorry
We checked the default file translation and everything works properly.
Please read our documentation how to translate the theme
How to translate WooCommerce read here https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-localization/ Make sure that you downloaded correct files from https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/woocommerce and saved them using correct names.
You can use some 3rd-party plugins, but we don’t guarantee full compatibility with our theme.
Rose Tyler.
I contacted support woocommerce customers , they say the problem lies in the translation template . I need urgent help. I also have info about the update of visual composer thanks
As I see you didn’t translated theme files in the directory wp-content/themes/classico/languages, there are only our default files. You need translate default.po/default.mo files and save them with your language prefix.
Read this article http://betterwp.net/wordpress-tips/create-pot-file-using-poedit./ how to translate.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Tagged: best selling, persuasive, template, themes, translate, woocommerce
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