I can’t access the WPBakery Page Builder
This topic has 32 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 2 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I can’t access the WPBakery Page Builder
Is it page, post or static block? Are you able to use the Backend editor of WPBakery?
I’m trying to edit a page
Blog page – archive page for posts. Go to Theme Options > Blog > Blog layout > change settings depending on your needs.
Are you able to edit other pages using WPBakery? Have you tried backend editor https://prnt.sc/1ze9buh > https://prnt.sc/1ze9dw4 ?
edit a page is working but edit with WPBakery Page Builder not working so i will use the first choose
Is there anything else we can help you with?
I am trying to change the color and background of a Back
Main header , but nothing changes after pressing save
Clear cache and check one more time. Here is what I can see on your Home page – https://gyazo.com/7961ac6e1997f6a7fddcc52f93553151 (edit content of this header via Theme Options > Header builder > Multiple headers > header for the Front page), and Intructions page – https://gyazo.com/ea1568f8e6e52f2b978e8a42f107efbe
do you try to see anather page ?
Provide URL of page with the problem + temporary wp-admin access.
All page accept home page
Intructions page – https://gyazo.com/ea1568f8e6e52f2b978e8a42f107efbe
Activation page – https://gyazo.com/e79d2b983474ea19c3252a2f310a2ef2 and so on – https://gyazo.com/ad77a5c1641fa8a22c47eec0ade046f7 Please clear cache and check one more time
you chang it but when i try to change any think i can not change it and everythink stay fixed like logo and make Background Size cover on header main and Activaition butten on home page
Log in to your Cloudflare account here https://acroosplay.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cloudflare#/login
Because you use CDN and I can’t clear that to apply any changes. Or enable Cloudflare dev mode during development.
do you mean Cloudflare on my hosting?
Log in to your Cloudflare account here https://acroosplay.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=cloudflare#/login
I’m not sure if your hosting offers that or you added that by yourself but Cloudflare CDN detected on your site https://prnt.sc/1zobt1k and it caches styles file. You need to clear the CDN cache to apply style changes that you do while using Theme Options.
this is my account on Cloudflare
Could you, please, contacy your hosting provider and ask if they have any kind of the server cache? Because content of the file that physically exists on your server and the one that displays on the frontend is different. And even if I clear CDN cache it does not help.
Could you, please, contacy your hosting provider and ask if they have any kind of the server cache? Because content of the file that physically exists on your server and the one that displays on the frontend is different. And even if I clear CDN cache it does not help.
Finally, I was able to apply changes by clearing the cache multiple times. Check your header now.
I want to ask you about the place to change the size or shape of the logo on the start page because I see that the place to change the logo in the start page is different from changing the logo in the rest of the pages
The other question is the presence of a post at the bottom of each page, as in the attached picture
Where can I remove or change this post?
1) In your case the home page uses an additional header template https://prnt.sc/1zxa926
I would suggest you to remove home page header. Then finish the main header to final view and create home page header only after that. Once you create home page header then enable the Overlap option for the home page header and remove header background. Or reply back and we’ll help you with the home page header creation.
2) It’s prefooter – ecotransport Static Block. You can edit that under the Static block section. Or remove it from Appearance > Widgets > Prefooter area.
I did not see a place to change the bottom of the home page as in the picture.
Secondly, I want to create a form using WebQuery, but there is no single form and there are no options for creating a special form
1/ Clear cache and check now.
2/ On your screenshots are forms of Contact form 7 plugin – https://prnt.sc/200nduq https://contactform7.com/docs/
1- i mean to edit this plase, you not tel me where i can to edit it
2- WPBakery have more two form, i need to more not just one or two form
1) Go to Static blocks > edit Footer + Copyrights – acroosplay static block and edit footer and copyrights content. We added static block widget to footer widget area (Appearance > Widgets).
2) You can create such many forms you need under Contact > Add new https://prnt.sc/20284fb And then add them to page content using shortcode or Contact form element.
I find it very difficult to modify the Main header and I do not know why all this complexity and why there is Multiple Headers and there is a start page that differs from the rest of the pages and I have to wait a long time for the page to load and modify each page separately
I want to have one place to edit all Header main easily
I am really upset and I hope you find a solution to this problem
I have removed Multiple headers for you if it’s too complicated. Added custom code to make header transparent and overlap on the home page. Edit the default header if you want to change something.
This is much better, thank you
1-There is a frame at the top of the page. I want to make it smaller, but I can’t
There is the smallest value is zero
2-I also want to reduce this space, what is the appropriate way for that
1/ Theme Options > Breadcrumbs > edit Breadcrumbs Paddings
2/ Edit slider > general options > layout > layer area size
Tagged: access, page builder, themes, troubleshoot, woocommerce, wordpress, wpbakery
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