I have an issue with editing static block with elementor…
Can you help me?
This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 5 months ago ago by Topis
I have an issue with editing static block with elementor…
Can you help me?
Hello, @Topis,
Your issue has been solved please check back to your site now after removing the browser cache.
First I set your site max execution time: https://postimg.cc/9RhxFwRk and then went to WP-Dashboard >> Settings >> Permalinks and save changes from there, and it resolved your issue.
Regards 8Themes Team.
Hi, there is another issue with static block…
I tray to edit this one https://postimg.cc/jDfQwdbY but page went white. Then I checked and on all pages that was create with elementor… are white??
Hello, @Topis,
That is because you do not have any content in those blocks and you have to add the content in those static blocks, publish them and then you will be able to see the content while editing and on the front-end as well.
Regards 8Themes Team.
Hi, is not about static block page now is not working…check this
https://ideja-turizem.eu/ or https://ideja-turizem.eu/about-us/…shop page is visible https://ideja-turizem.eu/ponudba/
Hello, @Topis,
Done, Now, your issue has been solved please check back your site after removing the cache, and please check the pages again.
Regards 8Themes Team.
Can you …in private area
Hello, @Topis,
It was your site memory issue, I added the code to increase your site memory in the wp-config.php file and it resolved your issue.
Please check the screenshot in the private content area of the topic.
Regards 8Themes Team.
Thank you…your help was super…
Tagged: classic editor, edit, elementor, persuasive, static block, woocommerce, wordpress
The issue related to '‘I cant edit static block in elementor or in clasic editor?’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses