hello, I created some taxonomy with the Custom Post Type UI plugin, and they don’t appear in the filters, I activated support so they can help me.
This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
hello, I created some taxonomy with the Custom Post Type UI plugin, and they don’t appear in the filters, I activated support so they can help me.
Sorry, but we do not give a guarantee for full theme compatibility with all existing 3rd party plugins. Sometimes, not always, you need additionally customize the theme or plugin to make them work together. Unfortunately, it’s not possible for the author to make the theme compatible with all the existing plugins and additional customization is outside the scope of our basic support.
How can I create tag-like taxonomy?
same as brand
It requests a lot of additional customization in files.
This article can be helpful – https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/taxonomies/working-with-custom-taxonomies/
Please note that additional customization is outside the scope of our basic support.
If you want paid Customization services submit a customization request to WPKraken team.
Tagged: creation, customization, design, taxonomy, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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