I need Help to deactivate my License client website
This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I need Help to deactivate my License client website
We are very sorry but we can’t reset the license limit for your purchase code if the theme is still in use on that site. You need to solve the situation with your client and remove the theme for that site. Only after that, we’ll be able to reset the license limits.
That is the problem client have changed the login access and not responding to my message thats why i reached yo support to help me out.
I have used other theme and in this kind of situation they help me out to revoke theme license and you team is saying you cant do.
If i have access or client respond to me why should i reach the support team for this.
I am not doing anything illegal here i am asking to revoke my license key just that all for what i paid to you.
Its fine if you cant help me out in this, i will keep in mind when buy theme again at least i will choose theme who can help me out here like situations.
I am closing this topic and i assure you i will never use xTheme for my any client in future,
We are very sorry that you fill this way but:
1) If you build the site for your client and use the theme for his site and it’s activated using your purchase code from your permission and it’s in use it means that this license is transferred to your client, please, read the point 4 of the license policy about building sites for the clients https://themeforest.net/licenses/terms/regular
We can’t deactivate the license without informing the site owner because we didn’t see your contract with your client etc. As I can see that site has the tel number and email. Can’t you contact them? Do you want that we contact them with this question?
2) If you want to revoke your license then contact Envato support, please. We do not manage that moment. We just control using of purchase codes on client sites. We can’t revoke the license just from our side. Only Envato support is able to do that.
I have used other theme and in this kind of situation they help me out to revoke the theme license and your team is saying you can’t do.
Have you already faced such a situation many times? How many and with which themes?
Tagged: deactivate, help, license, themes, website, woocommerce, wordpress
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