I need the space between post and the header!

This topic has 36 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 weeks, 1 days ago ago by Luca Rossi

  • Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    December 27, 2024 at 06:28

    I need the space between post and the header! please resolve the issue at the earliest.

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    35 Answers
    Avatar: Tony Rodriguez
    Tony Rodriguez
    Support staff
    December 27, 2024 at 07:46

    Hello, @uttam pradhan,

    Thank you for contacting us and for using XStore.

    Could you kindly provide the URL of the page where you are encountering the issue, along with your site’s WordPress admin access details in the private content area? This will allow us to thoroughly review your settings and assist you more effectively.

    We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to resolving this matter for you.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    December 27, 2024 at 11:23


    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Tony Rodriguez
    Tony Rodriguez
    Support staff
    December 27, 2024 at 12:13

    Hello, @uttam pradhan,

    Thank you for providing us with access to your WordPress admin panel.

    We are pleased to inform you that the issue has been successfully resolved. Kindly check your website on a mobile device after clearing your browser cache to ensure everything is functioning as expected.

    To address the issue, we added custom CSS code under **XStore > Theme Options > Theme Custom CSS > Global CSS**.

    For your reference, we have included images in the private content area.

    Should you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    December 27, 2024 at 15:29

    is there any features which xstore theme provides to “read also” related post button.

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    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    December 27, 2024 at 17:40

    Whatever you did, i have no idea! but the google adsense was removed, please guide step by step to place the google ads correctly. the ads is not showing properly.

    Avatar: Tony Rodriguez
    Tony Rodriguez
    Support staff
    December 28, 2024 at 05:48

    Hello, @uttam pradhan,

    Thank you for your response.

    is there any features which xstore theme provides to “read also” related post button.

    1/ The XStore theme includes a built-in feature to display related posts on individual post pages. To enable this option, please navigate to:

    **XStore > Theme Options > Blog > Single Post**

    From there, simply activate the **”Display Related Posts”** button.

    For your convenience, please refer to the attached image for further clarification. https://pasteboard.co/9QaFFALXQK23.png

    2/ We would like to clarify that we did not remove Google AdSense from your website during our previous login. Our involvement was limited to adding custom CSS code in order to address and resolve the issue you had reported.

    Thank you for your understanding. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    December 28, 2024 at 06:24

    1-i wanna Display Related Posts between the post not at the last, refer to the image which i had attached.

    2- please guide step by step to place the google ads correctly. the ads is not showing properly.

    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    December 28, 2024 at 15:34

    Dear @Uttam Pradhan,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    1. We regret to inform you that the feature you are inquiring about is not currently available in our XStore theme. However, we highly encourage you to submit your suggestion on our Taskboard at https://www.8theme.com/taskboard/. If your idea receives sufficient support from other customers, our development team will thoughtfully consider incorporating it into a future update.

    2. Could you please clarify or share the Google Ads HTML code you are referring to? Generally, you can add such code to the HTML element within the theme.

    Should you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

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    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    December 29, 2024 at 10:06

    how to add ads in left and right side? see the image

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    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    December 30, 2024 at 10:15

    Dear @Uttam Pradhan,

    We hope this message finds you well.

    In this case, we kindly recommend creating a builder template for single posts. You can refer to the following guide for assistance: https://elementor.com/help/creating-a-single-post-template-with-elementor-pro/.

    Additionally, you can create custom sidebars for the left and right sections of the post content. Please refer to this screenshot for guidance:https://prnt.sc/CMuRK3oqs2yu, and consult our documentation for further details: https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/support/widgets-custom-widget-areas/.

    Should you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    December 30, 2024 at 11:11

    Very sad to tell you, but it feels very tough to do! could you please help me to do it. 😔

    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    December 30, 2024 at 14:00

    Dear @Uttam Pradhan,

    Please note that our support is limited to issues related specifically to the XStore theme.

    If you would like to implement Google Ads on your website, we kindly recommend submitting a request through our customization panel, which can be accessed via the following link: https://www.8theme.com/account/#etheme_customization_panel.

    Through this platform, you will have the opportunity to collaborate directly with our technical team to assess the feasibility of your request. Kindly be aware that customization services may incur additional charges, which will be determined after a thorough review of your specific requirements.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    December 31, 2024 at 18:46

    Urgent Need

    My google adsense code is in the Private content area. i want to show the ads just below the header for the entire site, i tried hard but couldn’t get that done, please solve this issue immediately, it’s urgent. see the image!

    Please contact administrator
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    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    January 1, 2025 at 13:10

    Hi @uttam pradhan,

    1. You need to copy the single.php from the XStore parent theme to child theme in the same directory: xstore-child/single.php

    2. Then edit the single.php file locates in your XStore child theme:

     * Template name: Single
     * @xstore-version 9.4.0
    defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit( 'Direct script access denied.' );
    global $post;
    //$l = etheme_page_config();
    $not_single_post = is_singular(array('staticblocks', 'etheme_slides', 'etheme_mega_menus', 'elementor_library'));
    $sidebar = get_query_var( 'et_sidebar', 'left' );
    if ( $not_single_post ) {
    	$sidebar = 'without';
    $post_template  = get_query_var('et_post-template', 'default');
    $post_format 	= get_post_format();
    $show_post_title = etheme_get_option( 'single_post_title', 1 );
    $post_large = in_array( $post_template, array('large', 'large2') );
    if ( $not_single_post ) :
        $is_slides = is_singular('etheme_slides');
    	do_action( 'etheme_page_heading' );
        if ( $is_slides ) {
            etheme_slides_slide_wrapper($post, apply_filters('etheme_elementor_edit_mode', false));
        else {
    else : ?>
    	<?php if(have_posts()): while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    		<?php if ( $post_large ): ?>
                <div class="single-post-large-wrapper <?php if($post_template == 'large2') echo 'centered'; ?>">
                    <div class="single-post-large">
                        <div class="post-heading">
                            <div class="container">
    							<?php if($post_format == 'quote'): ?>
                                    <div class="featured-quote">
                                        <div class="quote-content">
                                            <div class="quote-icon">
                                                <i class="fa fa-quote-left"></i>
    										<?php etheme_the_post_field( 'quote' ); ?>
    							<?php endif; ?>
    							<?php etheme_primary_category(true); ?>
    							<?php if ( $show_post_title ): ?>
                                    <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    								<?php etheme_byline(array('single'=>true)); ?>
    							<?php endif ?>
    		<?php else: ?>
    			<?php do_action( 'etheme_page_heading' ); ?>
    		<?php endif ?>
            <div class="google-ads">
                <script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-3461530354260406"
                <!-- fixed header ads -->
                <ins class="adsbygoogle"
                    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
            <div class="container sidebar-mobile-<?php echo esc_attr( get_query_var('et_sidebar-mobile', 'bottom') ); ?>">
            <div class="content-page sidebar-position-<?php echo esc_attr( $sidebar ); ?>">
                <div class="row hfeed">
    				$post_content 	= get_the_content();
    				$gallery_filter = etheme_gallery_from_content( $post_content );
    				$classes 		= array();
    				$classes[] 		= 'blog-post';
    				$classes[] 		= 'post-single';
    				$classes[] 		= 'post-template-' . $post_template;
    				<?php if ( $post_template != 'full-width'): ?>
                    <div class="content <?php echo esc_attr( get_query_var('et_content-class', 'col-md-9') ); ?>">
                        <article <?php post_class( $classes ); ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" >
    						<?php endif; ?>
                            <header class="post-header">
    							<?php if ( etheme_get_option('blog_featured_image', 1) && !etheme_get_custom_field('post_featured')): ?>
    								<?php etheme_post_thumb( array(
    									'size' => 'full',
    									'link' => false
    								) ); ?>
    								<?php if( $show_post_title && in_array($post_format, array('audio', 'video')) && in_array($post_template, array('large', 'large2')) ): ?>
                                        <div class="wp-picture">
    										<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'full' ); ?>
    								<?php endif; ?>
    							<?php endif ?>
    							<?php if( $show_post_title && $post_format != 'quote' && !in_array($post_template, array('large', 'large2'))): ?>
                                    <div class="post-heading">
                                        <h2 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
    	                                <?php etheme_byline(array('single'=>true)); ?>
    							<?php endif; ?>
                            </header><!-- /header -->
    						<?php if ( $post_template == 'full-width'): ?>
                            <div class="content <?php echo esc_attr( get_query_var('et_content-class', 'col-md-9') ); ?>">
                                <article <?php post_class( $classes ); ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" >
    								<?php endif; ?>
    								<?php if($post_format != 'gallery'): ?>
                                        <div class="content-article entry-content">
    										<?php the_content(); ?>
    								<?php else: ?>
    									<?php echo '<div class="content-article entry-content">' . $gallery_filter['filtered_content'] . '</div>'; ?>
    								<?php endif; ?>
                                    <div class="post-navigation"><?php wp_link_pages(); ?></div>
    								<?php the_tags( '<div class="single-tags"><span>' . esc_html__( 'Tags: ', 'xstore' ) . '</span>', ', ', '</div>' ); ?>
    								<?php if(etheme_get_option('post_share', 1) && class_exists('ETC\App\Controllers\Shortcodes\Share')): ?>
                                        <div class="share-post">
    										<?php echo ETC\App\Controllers\Shortcodes\Share::share_shortcode( array( 'title' => esc_html__('Share Post', 'xstore') ) ) ; ?>
    								<?php endif; ?>
                                    <div class="clear"></div>
    								<?php if(etheme_get_option('posts_links', 1) && function_exists('etheme_project_links')): ?>
    									<?php etheme_project_links(array()); ?>
    								<?php endif; ?>
    								<?php if(etheme_get_option('about_author', 1)): ?>
                                        <h3 class="about-author-title"><span><?php esc_html_e('About author', 'xstore'); ?></span></h3>
                                        <div class="author-info">
                                            <a class="pull-left" href="#">
    											<?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('email') , 130 ); ?>
                                            <div class="media-body">
                                                <h4 class="title-alt author-name"><span><?php esc_html_e('About Author', 'xstore'); ?></span></h4>
                                                <h4 class="media-heading"><?php the_author_link(); ?></h4>
                                                <p class="author-desc"><?php echo get_the_author_meta('description'); ?></p>
                                                <a class="author-link" href="<?php echo esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ); ?>" rel="author">
    												<?php printf( esc_html__( 'Other posts by %1s', 'xstore' ), get_the_author() ); ?>
    								<?php endif; ?>
    								<?php if(etheme_get_option('post_related', 1)): ?>
                                        <div class="related-posts">
    										<?php etheme_get_related_posts(); ?>
    								<?php endif; ?>
    							<?php comments_template('', true); ?>
                            </div><!-- .content -->
    						<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    	<?php endwhile;
    	else: ?>
            <div class="container sidebar-mobile-<?php echo esc_attr( get_query_var('et_sidebar-mobile', 'bottom') ); ?>">
                <div class="content-page sidebar-position-<?php echo esc_attr( $sidebar ); ?>">
                    <div class="row hfeed">
                        <h2><?php esc_html_e('No posts were found!', 'xstore') ?></h2>
    					<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif;

    Hope it helps!

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 1, 2025 at 15:34

    So sad! Didn’t understand. the child theme wasn’t activated. i just activated but the couldn’t get. also i lost the previous theme style, now the website looking different. please help and correct form your end.

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    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 2, 2025 at 01:23

    Though I’m ok with the current theme styling, now just help me to get that ad banner. I’m not capable to make it.

    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    January 2, 2025 at 10:36

    Hi @uttam pradhan,

    To copy the template files from the parent theme to child theme, we also need the FTP accounts.

    Could you please provide us with the following details:
    – FTP Host
    – FTP Username
    – FTP Password
    – FTP Port

    If you need assistance in setting up these credentials, your hosting provider should be able to guide you through the process.

    Best regards,
    8Theme’s Team

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 7, 2025 at 17:46

    given in the private area. please check

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    January 8, 2025 at 08:31

    Dear Uttam Pradhan,

    We would like to inform you that we have copied the single.php file to the child theme as per your request. Additionally, we have placed the Google ad below the header for you.

    You can review the changes at the following link: https://www.englishstory.in/aryans-magical-ride/.

    Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 8, 2025 at 09:40

    the ads is touched the header, need some space.

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    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 8, 2025 at 09:42

    Also the sidebar ads should be sticky.

    Files is visible for topic creator and
    support staff only.
    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    January 8, 2025 at 10:35

    Hi @uttam pradhan,

    For the spacing of Google Ad, please add this custom CSS code:

    .container.google-ad-wrapper.text-center {
        padding: 15px 0;

    To make the ad sidebar sticky, please enable the sticky setting of Elementor: https://prnt.sc/M74b_tU0Cee2


    Hope it helps!

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 8, 2025 at 12:40

    After i set the sidebar ad sticky. the issue is… see the images

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    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    January 8, 2025 at 15:45

    Hi @uttam pradhan,

    Please change the z-index of your header to 9999.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

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    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 9, 2025 at 17:59

    I’ve set to 9999, still the same. please check

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    January 10, 2025 at 05:20

    Hi @uttam pradhan,

    Please set the Chandrakanta1234 account to administrator.

    Thank you!

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 10, 2025 at 06:46

    Yes! I did.
    Also i want a sticky footer ad for both mobile and windows. because i want to off google auto ads.

    Avatar: Justin
    Luca Rossi
    Support staff
    January 10, 2025 at 17:25

    Hi @uttam pradhan,

    Could you please check the z-index issue again?

    Also i want a sticky footer ad for both mobile and windows. because i want to off google auto ads.

    The sticky ad footer is generating by Google Ads so please config it from Google Ads side.

    Best regards,
    The 8Theme Team

    Avatar: uttam pradhan
    uttam pradhan
    January 10, 2025 at 17:56

    okay! could you just guide me, how you fix the ad on header and and the sidebar ads. so that i don’t need to ask support frequently for my others website specifically.

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